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Great Houses

The Realm is ruled by the ten Great Houses, appointed by the mandate of the Empress herself. The Great Houses are much more than just families – each one is a collection of dozens of families and bloodlines united into a massive political entity. Even the smallest Great House, V’neef, numbers hundreds of Dragon-Blooded in its roster.


The Empress established the first Great Houses in RY 103. Of the initial Houses, only Tepet and Peleps remain; the others have long since been disbanded after ignominious failures or open rebellion.

House Jerah was disbanded for violating precepts against disturbing the Realm Before; House Manosque was disbanded after a failed assassination against the Empress; Houses Burano and Ophris were exiled to the satrapy of Prasad after public failures. Other failed Houses dot the history of the Realm like stains on a serpent’s scales.

The most recent House to be destroyed was House Iselsi, torn up and broken about a century ago. After a failed attempt to invade the Scavenger Lands, House Iselsi attempted to gather support for an assassination. The Empress destroyed them when she found out, executing most or forcing them to marry into other Houses under new names.

The Great Houses