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Lore Charms


Graceful Insight-Gathering Study

Cost: 2m/success; Mins: Lore 1, Excellency 1

Type: Supplemental (All rolls); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Air, Balanced, Excellency

Prerequisite Charms: None

The lightning of wisdom flashes in your mind and knowledge reveals itself.

Add 1 success per 2m spent.

If you add at least 2 successes on a roll to introduce or challenge a fact, double 9s.

Essence 1

Opening the Mind’s Gates

Cost: 3m; Mins: Lore 2, Essence 1

Type: Simple; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Air

Prerequisite Charms: None

Your wisdom is a breeze that blows away the fog in your students’ minds.

Make an Instill roll with ([Charisma or Intelligence] + Lore) to make your target extra receptive to learning. This emotion acts as the equivalent of a Major Intimacy, “I must seek education.”

If you leverage this emotional state to convince the target to study with you or accept your tutelage, the cost of resisting increases by 1wp.

Flawless Study Focus

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Lore 3, Essence 1

Type: Simple; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Air

Prerequisite Charms: Opening the Mind’s Gates

Your mind is clear as the high sky winds.

You must spend (10 - Intelligence) hours studying under a tutor or in a library in order to use this Charm.

Gain a Lore Specialty in any topic related to your study. This Specialty has no maximum duration, but you can only have one at a time.

Elemental Concentration Trance

Cost: 3m; Mins: Lore 3, Essence 1

Type: Simple; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Balanced

Prerequisite Charms: None

You align your self and Essence to a display of the world around you.

You must spend a few minutes contemplating an elemental display – meditating beneath a waterfall, watching the sky, etc. This Charm’s element depends on the display.

At the end, you may roll ([Any mental Attribute] + [Bureaucracy, Investigation, Lore, Medicine, Survival, or War]) with a single automatic success to introduce a fact related to the Charm’s element. Watching the sky lets you introduce a fact about the weather; etc.

Dragon-Kin Empowerment

Cost: 1m; Mins: Lore 3, Essence 1

Type: Simple; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Aura

Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Concentration Trance

Your understanding of the elements allows you to inspire them in others.

Touch another Prince. You may transfer your aura to him, as well as up to (Essence x 3) of your own motes (either pool).

The granted motes may only be spent on Balanced Charms or Charms of the same element as the aura you transferred. If your target doesn’t have enough motes available, he has to spend them before his next turn or the extras go away.

REPURCHASE (Lore 5, Essence 2) – You can also transfer 1a in addition to the aura.

Deadly Essence Flashpoint

Cost: 1m/die; Mins: Lore 3, Essence 1

Type: Reflexive; Duration: One scene

Keywords: Balanced, Stackable

Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Concentration Trance

Careful study of esoteric wisdom has allowed you a fine degree of control over your anima.

Whenever you would roll damage for your Anima Flux, you can commit 1m to hold it in abeyance. You can have up to (higher of Essence or 3) stacks.

When you make a decisive attack, you can release your commitment to this Charm and add one die of decisive damage per stack. Your attack is wreathed in your element.

If you use this Charm to enhance Elemental Bolt Attack, it’s range is extended by one band, maximum long.

This Charm’s element is the same as your Aspect.

Essence 2

Elemental Empowerment Meditation

Cost: – (+1lhl or 1wp); Mins: Lore 3, Essence 2

Type: Permanent; Duration: Permanent

Keywords: Restriction (1/day)

Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Concentration Trance

You draw on the power of the world to replenish yourself.

Once per day when you use Elemental Concentration Trance, you may pay 1lhl or 1wp to gain 2 motes for every threshold success. These motes can only be spent on Charms that match the element of the display you were concentrating upon.

If you know Dragon Kin Empowerment, you may use this Charm to bestow all the benefits upon a student as you guide them through meditation.

Sagacious Elder’s Instruction

Cost: 3m; Mins: Lore 3, Essence 2

Type: Supplemental (Introduce Fact); Duration: (Intelligence) days

Keywords: Air

Prerequisite Charms: Opening the Mind’s Gates

Your words clear the fog of confusion.

Use this Charm when you give advice to someone and introduce a fact.

If you succeed, the target gets a temporary Lore specialty based on your advice and may apply it to all rolls of any Ability as long as they follow your advice.

Stern Tutor Discipline

Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Lore 5, Essence 2

Type: Simple; Duration: Varies

Keywords: Air

Prerequisite Charms: Sagacious Elder’s Instruction

Your tutelage encourages your students to transcend their boundaries.

Any student under your tutelage may buy an advancement out-of-cycle, allowing them to get it now rather than then; they cannot pick that same advancement the next time it is available.

The training time is divided by (the higher of your Essence or Intelligence), so potentially up to 5 times faster.

Lightning Flash Inspiration

Cost: 5m; Mins: Lore 4, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Air, Balanced

Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Study Focus

The lightning speed of your wits and thought prevent any error in reason or memory.

After any Lore roll, you may reroll up to (Essence) failed dice that didn’t come up as a 1.