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House Ragara

The Earth Slaked on the Blood of Dragons

Ragara Mon

Everyone owes money to House Ragara. This simple fact of Realm life is so ubiquitous, so essential, that there is no point in asking if you, personally, owe money to them – of course you do, everybody does. As they say, “Everything belongs to the Empress, and House Ragara is her vault.” Where else could money come from, other than the “Imperial Bank” itself?

Wealthy in the obscene, House Ragara’s primary power is in the debt market. When Great Houses need money to raise a new palace, or a strapy needs funds to pay their mercenary army for defense, it is always a Ragara that is there, jade in her hand and a smile on her face, to offer the liquid assets that you so desperately need – at rates that you should never accept. It is a simple fact of life in the Dynasty that everybody, sometimes, needs to walk the long steps to their local Ragara and take out a loan.

Why Play a Ragara?

House Ragara is all about the benjamins, babyyy. You should play a Ragara if you like cashing in favors, trading in debts and burdens; if business and cash excite you; if you want to examine how wealth can bend a person’s morals and interests; or if you want to explore the conflict between your personal goals and your House’s all-consuming lust for wealth and power.

Ragara Culture

House Ragara is so infamous that it serves as the roots of most of the Realm’s proverbs that have to do with capital. “The Imperial Bank” refers to House Ragara, and “walking the long steps,” referring to the climb to get to the matriarch’s office, is a general saying which means to take out a loan. House Ragara primarily prizes charisma and leadership, even more than they prize business acumen; not everyone is meant for their banking, but a charismatic Ragara is always valuable to the House. The scions of House Ragara have a reputation as well-dressed and refined, with expensive tastes and fancy qualifications, but also as conservative, amoral, and lusty.

What Do You Know?

Ragara characters have a greater awareness of the following topics:

  • You have a broad knowledge of politics in the Ragara holdings. You can name major Ragara figures, their positions, and their loyalties.
  • Your childhood lessons included study of the arts of mining and metallurgy. You know the names and locations of all major jade, jewel, and silver mines on the Blessed Isle, as well as their primary operators and their reputations.
  • You grew up studying the flow of debt and the shape of ledgers. You know the basics of accounting and business, and you can name the major debtors to your House, what they owe, and what they have offered as collateral to assure their loans.
  • You have an instinct for pattern recognition. In addition to basic education in math and science, you have advanced lessons on geometry, astronomy, music, and rhetoric.