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House Sesus

The Fire That Makes the Shadow Strong

Sesus Mon

The Thousand Correct Actions states, “all warfare is based on deception,” and no House so fully embraces that truth as House Sesus. From their home in the rainy frozen streets of Chanos, Sesus rules an empire of thugs, brutes, and cruel enforcers. One of the three Houses permitted to retain their Legions, the Sesus Legions lack the honor of House Cathak or the tradition of House Tepet, focused instead on subterfuge and spycraft. House Sesus has a reputation for duplicity, cruelty, and blasphemy.

Anyone who knows anything about politics knows to keep an eye out for House Sesus. Their network of spies and informants reaches to every corner of the Isle; their payroll includes thugs and enforcers in every city. Although no one trusts House Sesus, their strong blood, extensive military, and huge satrapial economy mean that every House marries into Sesus – and those who do often come to believe that House Sesus is perhaps not so bad as their reputation suggests.

Why Play a Sesus?

House Sesus is all about force. They are masterful manipulators, unrepentent thugs, and dangerous to know – and thus, exciting. You should play a Sesus if you are interested in having a horrible reputation; if you want to play a master assassin or excellent spy; or if you want to examine the relationship between your House’s well-deserved reputation and your own goals and desires.

Sesus Culture

House Sesus values cleverness and cold, calculating efficiency. They believe that the ends justify the means, so all means are acceptable for the ends of increasing the House’s power. The heroic, stupid, and honest are taken to serve as the House’s public facade; the devious and clever are put to use in thuggery and espionage. House Sesus has one of the strongest bloodlines in the Realm, which makes them incredibly strategic about their marriages. They do not accept marriage proposals for thin-bloods or foreigners except under exceptional circumstances.

What Do You Know?

Sesus characters have a greater awareness of the following topics:

  • You have a deep awareness of politics in the Sesus holdings. You know the names, faces, positions, and allegiances of major and minor figures, and the vague plots that are likely afoot.
  • Your childhood lessons emphasized the power of knowledge and surveillance. You know all the important figures of the other Great Houses, along with their duties and allegiances.
  • You grew up training for your service to the House. You know the basics of formations and command. You know the essentials of spycraft and assassination, such as basic techniques for quickly dispatching a woman. You understand the mechanics of sabotage and how to identify a priority target and case a joint.
  • You have an instinct for beauty in the written form. You know how to create beautiful calligraphy and compose poems in a variety of styles. You know the basics of how to draw and are a better sketch artist than most.