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House Ledaal

The Air That Raised the Bones of Giants

Ledaal Mon

Centuries ago there was House Jurul. House Jurul is no more. A daughter of Jurul named Ledaal discovered that the matriarch, her mother, the Empress’ own blood daughter, was cavorting with Anathema to make a move on the throne. Ledaal led the very Wyld Hunt that ended Jurul’s life. As a reward for her vigilance and devotion, the Empress elevated Ledaal to a matriarch herself.

House Ledaal is devoted to purging Evil from the Realm, in whatever form it may take. They relentlessly pursue corruption and are not above killing politicians, civilians, or even their own House if they are caught in violation. No criminals, no corruption, no heresy is safe from the icy fang of Ledaal.

Why Play a Ledaal?

House Ledaal is all about orthodoxy. They are deeply rooted in tradition and strong, radical opinions on the Way Things Should Be. You should play a Ledaal if you want to play an inquisitor, witcher, or demon-hunter; if you are defined by your faith, mysticism, and uncompromising view; or if you want to explore the conflict between your family’s zelous orthodoxy and your own ambitions.

Ledaal Culture

Ledaal is an old lineage of sorcerers, demon-hunters, monster-slays, shikari, and inquisitors – they view it as their solitary and sacred duty to purge Evil from the world. It makes no difference to the Ledaal if their target is Dynast, peasant, or foreigner. All Evil is target for Ledaal’s icy knives.

Unsurprisingly, the Ledaal are famous for being uncompromising and zealous. A proverb in the Realm says, “The Word of the Law, no more and no less” – a quote from Ledaal herself that embodies her House’s view of the world. They are neither cruel nor compassionate – only Just. Ledaal abhors love marriages, viewing love as an affair for barbarians and fools, and is one of the most distant Houses from the needs of the peasantry.

What Do You Know?

Ledaal characters have a greater awareness of the following topics:

  • You are familiar with the politics of the Ledaal holdings. You can name major Ledaal figures and their positions and allegiances.
  • Your childhood lessons involved studying the nefarious and evil. You can identify common varieties of Creatures of Darkness, their weaknesses, and how best to dispatch them. You know the major types of Anathema and their weaknesses.
  • You grew up attending traditions of the Realm. You are deeply knowledgeable of the Realm’s history and of the Immaculate scriptures.
  • You have an instinct for the written word. You have a large library of resources somewhere. You always know where to find booksellers, paper-makers, archivists, and other book-related specifics. You probably have a book on hand for this very topic.