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Casting Spells

Spells are cast by taking the Shape Sorcery action, acquiring a certain number of sorcerous motes, and then casting the spell.

Sorcerous Motes

Spells are not cast from your personal mote pools, but rather from a pool of “sorcerous motes,” abbreviated sm.

You can acquire sorcerous motes through your shaping ritual or by taking the Shape Sorcery action.

Shape Sorcery

Shape Sorcery is a combat action which lets you gather up magic. You bind the world’s magic into a coherent form which you will then release to cast your spell.

Every turn you Shape Sorcery, roll with Occult. Each success generates 1sm. If you have enough sorcerous motes to cast your spell, you cast it; otherwise, you may continue to Shape Sorcery and acquire more sorcerous motes.


You can pause Shaping Sorcery to take other actions. Every turn you delay loses 3sm from the casting.

Changing Spells

If you change the spell you want to cast, you must start Shaping Sorcery all over again from 0.

Casting the Spell

Once you have enough sorcerous motes, you cast the spell. Resolve the effect as listed in the spell’s description.

If you successfully cast a spell, you get 1wp back. Hooray!


Some spells have the keyword Ritual. These spells cannot be cast by Shaping Sorcery; instead, you must perform an appropriate ritual. The details are up to you.