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Becoming a Sorcerer

Becoming a sorcerer requires initiation into the Quiet Art via some external power. Most sorcerers in the Realm attain their initiation via intense study at the Heptagram; others are initiated through more esoteric means.

Shaping Rituals

Every initiation offers a shaping ritual, an alternative means by which you can accrue and store sorcerous motes. Your shaping ritual is deeply reflective of the nature of your initiation.

Control Spells

For every initiation, you gain a “control spell.” This spell has extra benefits in addition to its regular effects, and usually has an aesthetic weirdness you get to invoke.

Initiation Merits

Some initiations offer Merits that you can purchase, which allow you to buy some kind of small passive perk as a result of your connection to power.

Example Shaping Rituals

Heptagram Study

You have studied at the Heptagram, the premier sorcerous institution in all of Creation. You have a large library of books. This is the most traditional sorcerous initiation.

Soul-Perfecting Elixir

By studying alchemy and medicine, you have created a Soul-Perfecting Elixir, a magical potion which allows you access to sorcerous power. Your power comes from the careful cultivation of your life-power and study of the body and mind.

The Talisman of Ten Thousand Eyes

You have come into possession of a magical talisman, basically the Eye of Agamoto from Dr. Strange. By focusing your power on this Eye, you can unlock sorcerous magic and strange otherworldly power.

Scarred By Nightmares

You have been beset upon by wicked and twisted nightmares. They invade your sleeping mind and whisper strange power to you. A sliver of chaos and unnatural trauma lives deep in your soul, and you can draw upon it to bend the world to your will.

And so forth…