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Combat Actions

New Captain Actions

In addition to the normal set of combat actions, the captain gains access to two new actions that impact shipboard combat: Generate Tempo and Spend Tempo.

Generate Tempo

The captain may generate tempo for the boat. Roll (Wits + Sail) and generate 1 tempo for every success you roll.

Spend Tempo

The captain may spend tempo as part of her action, gaining any single effect listed on the tempo table.

Everybody Actions

In addition to the normal set of combat actions, all characters aboard the ship during combat operation gain access to the following actions: Reduce Bilge, Serve as Crew, Ready Weapons, Take Aim, Fire, and Patch Job.

Reduce Bilge

You make a roll and reduce bilge on the ship by 1 bilge per success that you roll.

You may use any combination of Attributes and Abilities to reduce bilge, depending on how you describe the action. For example:

  • Use (Intelligence + Bureaucracy) to reduce bilge by coordinating the response;
  • Use (Strength + Athletics) to hold a break and bucket water out of the decks;
  • Use (Appearance + Performance) to encourage the crew with a grand display;
  • Use (Wits + Occult) to magically coerce the wood to heal itself;

The limit of your ability to use an Attribute/Ability pair is the limit of your ability to describe a way that that pair can help the ship. Be creative!

Serve as Crew

You may serve as crew and go where needed to help out with combat operations. Anyone acting as crew generates tempo for the captain. Roll (Wits + Sail) and generate 1 tempo per success. You may substitute Bureaucracy or War for Sail, but take a -3 penalty for doing so.

Ready Weapons

You instruct the archers or firing crew to ready the weapons, preparing a strike against an enemy craft.

Roll ([Dexterity, Perception, or Charisma] + [Sail, War, or Archery]) against difficulty 2. If you succeed, anyone may take a Fire action and launch the barrage.

Take Aim

Name a target. The next time the ship fires weapons against that target, the attack gets +3 raw damage.


You take control of the ship’s armament yourself and fire the barrage. You must have the captain’s permission or authority to fire the weapons yourself.

You roll ([Intelligence or Perception] + [War or Sail]) to fire shipboard weaponry.

Patch Job

You complete a basic project to reduce the number of ship’s health levels that count when calculating bilge. This action does not actually repair the ship; it just reduces the amount of ongoing hurt.