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Completing Projects

Completing a project depends on the type of project.

Basic Projects

Beginning a Basic Project

All you need to start a basic project is the appropriate tools. Basic projects do not require a project slot.

Completing a Basic Project

A basic project takes an indeterminate amount of time: several minutes or several hours of labor.

When you have finished your basic project, roll with Craft.

Completing a basic project costs no experience.

Rewards for a Basic Project

Successfully completing a basic project grants 2sxp per basic objective.

If you roll at least 3 successes over the difficulty of the roll, you instead get 3sxp per basic objective.

Major Projects

Beginning a Major Project

To begin a major project, you must have appropriate tools and an available major project slot. If all three of your project slots are committed, you must buy a new one.

Completing a Major Project

A major project takes an indeterminate amount of time: usually several hours to several days of labor.

When you have finished your project, spend 10sxp and roll with Craft. If you fail, you can roll again by spending a further 10sxp per attempt.

Rewards for a Major Project

Successfully completing a major project grants 2gxp and 1sxp per basic objective.

If you completed the project exceptionally well (at least 3 success above what you need), you get 3gxp and 1sxp.

Superior Projects

Beginning a Superior Project

Creating an Artifact requires a minimum of Lore 3, Occult 3, and at least 1 relevant Craft 4. Large-scale construction does not require Ability minimums.

Creating a superior project requires a superior project slot.

Completing a Superior Project

Superior projects require a minimum time based on their rating:

  • Project 2: Six weeks
  • Project 3: Three months
  • Project 4: One year
  • Project 5: Two years.

Completing a superor project is an extended roll with difficulty 5, terminus 6, and goal

  • Project 2: goal 30
  • Project 3: goal 50
  • Project 4: goal 75
  • Project 5: goal 100

Every time you roll to progress the project, spend 10gxp. A botch immediately ruins the project. Sucks.

Rewards for a Superior Project

You gain a reward based on the rating of the project you completed:

  • Project 2: 3wxp
  • Project 3: 5wxp
  • Project 4: 7wxp
  • Project 5: 10wxp

For every unused interval remaining, you gain (rating)*2 gxp.

Legendary Projects

Legendary projects are ancient mysteries and beyond the scope of this simple guide…

Summary Table

Completing a … project gets you … per …
Basic 2~3sxp basic objective
Major 2~3gxp, 1sxp basic objective
Superior 3~5~7~9 wxp, >=0gxp project