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The Bitter Art of Medicine

Medicine is an odd one. It tends not to be super relevant unless someone has chosen to specialize in it. Here’s how it works.

Normal Healing Rates

Health Level Bashing Time Lethal/Aggravated Time
-0 One hour 1 day
-1 12 hours 2 days
-2 1 day 3 days
-4 2 days 5 days
Incapacitation One or two scenes Up to a week or so

Being a Doctor

Treating Wounds

You can staunch someone who is dying by rolling (Intelligence + Medicine) versus (their Wound Penalty, max 5). If you succeed, they stabilize and fall unconscious, allowing you to get them away.

Some magic can patch wounds and heal broken bones.

Treating Disease


Roll with Medicine to diagnose your patient based on their symptoms. If you fail, you simply don’t know; only a botch will result in an absolutely incorrect diagnosis.

If you don’t know what disease you are treating, increase the difficulty of your course of treatment by +2 to +4 depending on the rarity and severity of the disease.

Course of Treatment

Treating a disease uses Medicine and requires about an hour per day per victim treated. After your course of treatment is completed, roll (Intelligence + Medicine). When the patient makes their next check against the disease, they can use your result or theirs, whichever is higher.

Treating Poison

Roll with Medicine to treat a poison, as long as you have an antivenom or emetic on hand. Every threshold success you get counts as a bonus success for the patient’s roll to resist that poison.

Battlefield Medicine

Add 2 to the difficulty of any diagnosis or poison treatment roll made while in an active combat situation.

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