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Disease Stats

Diseases have three major stats: virulence, morbidity, and interval.


Virulence is the “danger” of the disease. Mechanically, it is the difficulty you must overcome when you resist the disease.


Morbidity is the lingering harm the disease causes. It is the difficulty you must overcome when the disease progresses.


Interval represents how long it takes between each phase of the disease progression.

Disease Progression

Diseases progress through some or all of the following steps: initial exposure, minor symptoms, major symptoms, defining symptoms, death.

Initial Exposure

When you are initially exposed to the disease, roll (Stamina + Resistance) versus the disease’s Virulence to avoid infection. If you succeed, then you have resisted the disease; if you fail, then the disease has begun to incubate and you move immediately to minor symptoms.

Minor Symptoms

Minor symptoms represents the initial stages of infection. You are ill, but not yet impaired. You suffer no mechanical penalties, but you are beginning to manifest diagnosable symptoms.

After an interval has passed, roll (Stamina + Resistance) versus the disease’s Morbidity. If you succeed, your disease vanishes. If you fail, you proceed to major symptoms.

Major Symptoms

Major symptoms represent the middle stages of infection. You are ill, and are beginning to suffer serious difficulties as a result.

After an interval has passed, roll (Stamina + Resistance) versus the disease’s Morbidity. If you succeed, the disease regresses to minor symptoms. If you fail, you proceed to defining symptoms.

Defining Symptoms

Defining symptoms represent the advanced stages of the infection. You are as sick as you are going to be. Your disease is overwhelming your body.

After an interval has passed, roll (Stamina + Resistance) versus the disease’s Morbidity. If you succeed, the disease regresses to major symptoms. If you fail, the disease progresses to death.


You dead.

The good news is, only magical diseases can progress to this phase for the Chosen. The bad news is, mortals are not so lucky; even simple infections can cause death in some cases.

Example Disease

Consumption/Tuberculosis (Virulence 2, Morbidity 2, Interval: One week): This wasting disease affects the lungs and chest. As the disease progresses, the victim begins to cough up blood and run a high fever, all while quickly losing weight and energy. Victims usually expire when their lungs lose function completely. Consumption is a common and horrible disease.