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Crafting Experience

Crafting generates three colors of experience: silver, gold, and white.

Colors of Experience

Silver Experience

Silver experience (sxp) is earned from completing basic projects, and spent in order to complete major projects.

Gold Experience

Gold experience (gxp) is earned from completing major projects, and spent to complete superior projects.

White Experience

White experience (wxp) is earned from completing superior projects, and used to complete the legendary projects that elude even the greatest crafters…

Basic Objectives

Most projects award you experience based off of triggering a basic objective. These are the three basic objectives it is referring to:

  • Finishing your project causes another character to gain or strengthen an Intimacy toward you or your work;
  • Finishing your project creates a clear in-game advantage for your character;
  • Finishing your project upholds, furthers, or protects one of your Intimacies.

So in order to be maximally effective at crafting things, you’ll want to build things that are valuable to you, valuable to others, and advance your goals. Makes sense, right?