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A weapon is composed of two parts: a weight and a set of tags.

Weight Categories

Category Accuracy Damage Overwhelming
Light +4 +7 1
Medium +2 +9 1
Heavy +0 +11 1

Category: All weapons are one of light, medium, or heavy.

Accuracy: This is the bonus the weapon gives to the attack pool to hit.

Damage: This is the damage the weapon adds to your Strength when making a withering attack.

Overwhelming: This is the minimum damage of withering attacks with the weapon, after Soak is accounted for.

Weapon Tags

Tags are modifiers and descriptors that change the particulars of how a weapon works.

Ability Tags


This weapon uses Archery as its combat stat. It can make ranged attacks. It has no inherent accuracy; it uses the following chart instead:

Close Short Medium Long Extreme
-2 +4 +2 +0 -2

The parenthetical after the tag indicates the weapon’s maximum range.


This weapon uses Brawl as its combat stat. It can only make close-range attacks.

Martial Arts

This weapon requires special training. You can wield it with martial arts by training in a martial art which lists it as a form weapon. You may wield it using Melee by taking a melee specialty in this weapon.


This weapon uses Melee as its combat stat. It can only make close-range attacks.


This weapon can be Thrown; usually these weapons can also be used with another skill. It has no inherent accuracy while thrown; instead, it uses the following table:

Close Short Medium Long Extreme
+4 +3 +2 -1 -3

The parenthetical after the tag indicates the weapon’s maximum range.

Damage Tags


This weapon deals bashing damage only.


This weapon deals lethal damage. You may also always choose to deal bashing damage by declaring that you wish to do so and providing an appropriate stunt.

Other Tags


This weapn is an Artifact. In order to wield this weapon, you must commit the attunement cost as noted in the weapon’s text body. It is also capable of unlocking Evocations, the extremely powerful techniques that blend the legend of the weapon and wielder.

This weapon gets +1 Accuracy and +2 damage. It gets +2/+3/+4 Overwhelming depending on the weight class.


This weapon gets +1 Overwhelming.


This weapon allows you to make a chopping attack.

Chopping Attack (-1 Defense until next turn): Get +3 withering damage or reduce your target’s Hardness by 2 against this attack.


This weapon can be hidden on your person. Concealing your weapon is a Larceny roll against difficulty 1; if you have at least 5 minutes, it succeeds automatically.


This weapon does not add your Strength to calculate damage. Instead, it always adds 4 damage.


This weapon reduces the cost and difficulty of a disarm gambit by 1.


This weapon shoots fire. It behaves as though it has the Crossbow tag. Charms cannot enhance the range of attacks made with this weapon.


This weapon ignores the Defense bonus from a full defense action.


This weapon can be used to make a grappling attack and to savage while making a grappling attack.


This weapon is too heavy to be used on horseback.


This weapon cannot be disarmed. It is part of your body.


This weapon allows you to make a piercing attack.

Piercing Attack (1i): Lower the target’s Defense by 1 until their next turn. If withering, also ignore 4 points of soak.


This weapon can be poisoned.


This weapon negates the advantage of mounted targets.


This weapon gets -2 damage. You get +1 more Defense when taking Full Defense. You may flurry Full Defense with rush and disengage actions and still get a +2 Defense bonus.


This weapon requires an action to reload.


This weapon allows you to make a smashing attack.

Smashing Attack (2i, -1 Defense): Send your target flying 1 range band in any direction or knock them prone.


This weapon cannot deal damage; it can only be used to inflict poison.


You may use Strength instead of Dexterity when making attacks with this weapon. You cannot use another weapon in your offhand.

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