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Combat Actions

On your turn, you get 1 combat action and 1 reflexive move, which you may perform in either order.

After you take your combat action, you may choose to flurry and take a second combat action for a penalty.

Reflexive Move

If you are not obstructed by enemies or obstacles, you may move one range band toward any enemy or landmark, or one range band away from any enemy or landmark, once per turn as a reflexive move.

Moving within your current range band costs nothing and can be done freely as part of a stunt, description, or afterthought.

List of Combat Actions

You may do any of the following as a combat action.


You may make a withering or decisive attack against any enemy within range.


You may attempt a gambit to alter the battlefield. A gambit counts as a decisive attack for all limitations and interactions.


You barrel toward your target to follow them as they move.

Roll ([Dexterity or Strength] + Athletics) in an opposed roll against the target. If you win, then whenever the target moves, you reflexively move one range band with them, holding distance between the two of you. If your opponent moves in a way you can’t – for example, flying vertically if you can’t fly – then they get away and the effect ends.

AT the start of your next turn, if you Rushed but didn’t get a free move from it, you can take an additional reflexive move.


You clear a path to move away from enemies.

Roll ([Dexterity or Strength] + Athletics) in an opposed roll against every enemy you are currently engaged with. If you beat everyone, then you instantly withdraw to short range. Whenever they try to close on you, you may move one range band away.

If you are not engaged with any enemies, you may specify a target, roll an opposed roll against them, and if you win, you keep your current distance.

At the start of your next turn, if you Disengaged but didn’t get a free move from it, you can take an additional reflexive move.


Flurry Restriction. This action cannot be flurried with any other action.

Declare a target. You gain 3i and an aim token with your target’s name on it.

You may spend an aim token to:

  • Get +3 dice on an attack against the named character; or,
  • Allow yourself to make an attack on the named character from Medium range or further.

When you attack someone, you automatically lose all aim tokens that don’t have his name on it. When you move, you lose all aim tokens.

If you want to both make an attack on the named target from Medium range or further and get the +3 dice bonus, you will need 2 aim tokens.

Defend Other

Choose a target within close range. They become your ward. Whenever anyone would attack your ward, they must get through you first.

You may use your Parry to defend your ward whenever they are the target of an attack. If the opponent overcomes your Parry, then you take the attack instead of your ward. If the opponent is able to overcome both your Parry and your ward’s Defense, then they may choose to attack your ward.

Draw/Ready Weapon

You draw or ready a weapon to use in the fight. Use this action to change weapons.

Your natural weapons are always ready and switching to them does not require you to take this action.

Full Defense

Flurry Restriction. This action cannot be flurried except with a social influence action. Movement Restriction. You may not use your reflexive move this turn after you take the Full Defense action. You must use it before, if you want to use it.

You spend gain +2 Defense until your next turn.

Activate a Simple Charm

Flurry Restriction. This action cannot be flurried with any other action.

You may activate a Simple-type Charm.

Social Influence

You may use any social influence action on your turn.

Miscellaneous Action

Anything that does not fall into the above is a miscellaneous action. After you take a miscellaneous action, you get -1 Defense until your next turn.


After you take your combat action, you may choose to take a second action. This is called a flurry. The second action takes a -3 penalty. The first action you take next turn takes a -3 penalty as well.

You may not flurry two of the same action. Some actions have a flurry restriction, which applies additional restrictions.