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Dodge Charms


Threshold Warding Stance

Cost: 2m/+1 Evasion or success; Mins: Dodge 1, Essence 1

Type: Supplemental (Any roll) or Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Balanced, Excellency, Fire, Uniform

Prerequisite Charms: None

You are as nimble as an ember rising from a fire.

Increase your Evasion by 1 per 2m spent, or add 1 automatic success to a Dodge roll per 2m spent.

You ignore all environmental penalties to your Evasion or the Dodge roll.

Essence 1

Flickering Candle Meditation

Cost: 2m; Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 1

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Fire, Perilous, Uniform

Prerequisite Charms: None

You flit about the battlefield like a flickering candle-flame.

Every 1 your opponent rolls allows you to ignore 1 point of penalty, up to (Essence) total points.

Nimble Zephyr Defense

Cost: 1m; Mins: Dodge 4, Essence 1

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Air, Uniform

Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Candle Meditation

You twist with the grace of the wind, slipping a hair’s breadth from danger.

Declare this Charm in response to being attacked. As long as your attacker rolled at least one 1, he has to beat your Evasion to hit you (as opposed to the normal roll, which is “match or beat” your Evasion). If you dodge successfully, your attacker loses 1 Initiative.

AIR AURA – You gain the Initiative your attacker loses.

Heat-of-Battle Advance

Cost: 2m; Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 1

Type: Supplemental (Disengage); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Fire, Perilous

Prerequisite Charms: None

You are a raging forest fire. As you retreat on one flank, you advance on another.

For every 10 you roll, roll an additional non-Charm bonus die.

You don’t have to pay Initiative to disengage, as long as you move into close range of another enemy.

Essence 2

Hopping Firecracker Evasion

Cost: 3m, 2i; Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Fire, Perilous, Uniform

Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Candle Meditation

Your feet erupt in a plume of fire and sparks as you leap about.

When someone tries to hit you and fails by at least 2 successes, you may move one range band in any direction – including upwards.

Virtuous Negation Defense

Cost: 4m; Mins: Dodge 4, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Uniform, Wood

Prerequisite Charms: Hopping Firecracker Evasion

Like reeds bending in the wind, you appear between your ally and harm at just the right moment.

If someone attacks an ally of yours within close range, you can apply your Evasion to the attack as if you were using defend other.

Only pay 2m if you are defending one of your sworn kin.

WOOD AURA – Defend an ally within short range instead. You reflexively move to their range band; it doesn’t count as your reflexive move for your turn.

Light-as-Clouds Method

Cost: – (+4m); Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 2

Type: Permanent; Duration: Permanent

Keywords: Air/Fire

Prerequisite Charms: Hopping Firecracker Evasion

You twist incoming force back against its attacker, turning their wasted momentum into a burst of speed.

You may pay 4m extra when you use Hopping Firecracker Evasion to reflexively roll to Disengage. Add bonus dice equal to the Overwhelming of your enemy’s weapon (the stronger their attack, the easier it is for you to escape).

AIR/FIRE AURA – It costs no Initiative to Disengage using this Charm.

Ember-Amid-Smoke Misdirection

Cost: 3m; Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Aura, Fire, Uniform

Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Candle Meditation

They try to hit you, but you are only smoke; and where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Gain +1 Evasion.

If you dodge successfully, your attacker suffers (Essence) dice of unsoakable withering damage. You don’t steal their Initiative though.

Salvo-to-Silt Technique

Cost: 2m, 1i; Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Uniform, Perilous, Water

Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Candle Meditation

Your anima flares up in front of you, forming a protective barrier against incoming attacks.

Your attacker gets -(your Anima level) on their ranged attack roll against your Evasion. If he hits you, he reduces his damage by 1 for each 1 he rolls, up to (your Anima) damage.

If you evade an attack with physical projectiles, they get caught in your anima, so you can pick them up and use them for your own attack, wield them as improvised weapons, kick them back flying, or any other stunt use you can come up with. If your anima fades to dim, they all fall to the ground.

Stone-Sculpting Fortification

Cost: 5m; Mins: Dodge 4, Essence 2

Type: Supplemental (Take Cover); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Earth

Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Candle Meditation

Your anima sinks into the ground in great white-tinged waves, raising up barricades from the earth itself.

Roll (Dexterity + Dodge) against difficulty 2 to raise barriers from any earth or stone nearby. If you succeed, you take cover behind it, gaining light cover from the newly-risen barriers. If an earth or stone protrusion would normally give you light cover, this Charm enhances it to heavy cover. The barriers raised and fortified by this Charm are permanent.

EARTH AURA – Double 9s on your rolls for this Charm.

Ascending Ember Trick

Cost: 3m; Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Air/Fire

Prerequisite Charms: Heat-of-Battle Advance

You tumble with flame gouting from your feet, the force helping you to right yourself as you land.

Take the “rise from prone” action reflexively, and out of turn, if you so choose. This takes your movement action for the round or the next round if you act out of turn.