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Ability Charms

The following Charms are universal, available to all Dragon-Blooded who meet the minimum Essence requirement.

Essence 1

Brilliant [Ability] Thought

Cost: 2m; Mins: [Ability] 1, Essence 1

Type: Simple; Duration: Instant

Keywords: [Ability’s Element]

Prerequisite Charms: None

Introduce a fact with [Ability], as long as it is relevant to [Ability]’s specific field of knowledge. For example, Brilliant Bureaucracy Thought can introduce facts relating to an organization you are a member of or familiar with; Brilliant Melee Thought can introduce a fact related to a fighting style; Brilliant Survival Thought can introduce a new species of plant or animal native to a region you have studied; etc.

You may purchase this Charm separately for every Ability except for Lore. It counts as favored/unfavored based on [Ability].

Elemental Bolt Attack

Cost: 4m (+1a); Mins: Essence 1

Type: Simple; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Dual

Prerequisite Charms: None

Make a withering or decisive attack with (Dexterity + [Archery or Thrown]) out to short range, or medium if you spend 1a. This can be enhanced by Charms of the appropriate Ability.

This Charm has your element when you first buy it:

  • AIR: Your blast is lightning. Do Lethal damage and ignore (higher of Essence or 3) Soak or (Essence) Hardness from metal armor.
  • EARTH: Your bolt is a cascade of rocks or a blast of sand. Do Bashing damage and give it the Smashing tag.
  • FIRE: Your bolt is a blast of smoke or flame. It does Lethal damage and doubles 10s on decisive damage rolls.
  • WATER: Your bolt is a flood of water or cracking tentacle. Do Bashing damage and give it the Flexible and Disarming tags.
  • WOOD: Your bolt is a lash of vines or thorns. Do Lethal damage. Decisive attacks are poisoned (damage 1i/round (B in crash); duration (Essence + 5); penalty -1).

You can purchase two additional elements as a Charm purchase.

Your first purchase of this Charm counts as favored. Purchasing upgrades counts as unfavored.

Essence 2

Mantle of Elemental Power

Cost: 3m, 1a, 1wp; Mins: Lore 3, Essence 2

Type: Simple; Duration: One scene

Keywords: None

Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Bolt Attack

Air: Your anima swirls around you in a crackling lightning display; Wood: You wrap yourself in a swirling cascade of whirling petals; Earth: Huge rocks, shards of stone, and sand lift up from the earth to swirl around you; etc.

Use this Charm to enhance your anima display. For the rest of the scene, your Elemental Bolt Attack is enhanced with the following benefits:

  • Cost is reduced by 3m, to a total of 1m per shot;
  • Whenever a Simple or Reflexive Charm lets you make an Archery or Thrown attack, you can reflexively use Elemental Bolt Attack to make it;
  • You can use Elemental Bolt Attack reflexively to defend against an attack with ([Dex + [higher or Archery or Thrown] / 2, round up] + 1) Parry;
  • As long as you are in your Aspect’s Aura, you don’t have to spend anima to increase the range of your Elemental Bolt Attack.

This Charm can be purchased as a favored Charm.

Elemental Sheath

Cost: 2m (+1a); Mins: [Ability] 3, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Variable

Prerequisite Charms: None

Banish your weapon into a display of an element. You can have your sword blow away like dust in a gust of wind, have your spear turn translucent and disappear into a lake, bury your bow by plunging it into soil, etc.

You may use this same Charm to withdraw the weapon from a display of the same element.

Your anima always counts as “an appropriate elemental dispaly” for your Aspect’s element.

This Charm can be purchased as an Archery, Brawl, Melee, or Thrown Charm, and counts as Favored/Unfavored depending on which skill you are purchasing it for.

Dragon-Graced Weapon

Cost: – (+1m); Mins: [Ability] 3, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: One scene

Keywords: Variable

Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Sheath

You may pay a 1m surcharge when you summon your weapon back using Elemental Sheath to gain one of the following effects, based on the elemental display you retrieved it from:

  • AIR: The weapon is deadly cold. Anyone you hit with a decisive attack takes -1 on all physical rolls until their next turn.
  • EARTH: The weapon is heavy with the shiny Essence of Earth. It gains the Smashing tag. If it already has the Smashing tag, its smash attacks deal 1 extra die of damage.
  • FIRE: The weapon is wreathed in flames. It gets +1 Overwhelming.
  • WATER: The weapon is fluid and flexible. It gets the Flexible and Disarming tags. If it already had both, add 1 bonus die to grapple attack rolls.
  • WOOD: The weapon is wrapped in vines and blossoms. It gets the Disarming tag. If it already has the Disarming tag, add 1 bonus die to Disarm gambits.

This Charm can be purchased as an Archery, Brawl, Melee, or Thrown Charm, and counts as Favored/Unfavored depending on which skill you are purchasing it for. It must be the same as you purchased for Elemental Sheath.

Five-Dragon Arsenal

Cost: –; Mins: [Ability] 4, Essence 2

Type: Permanent; Duration: Permanent

Keywords: None

Prerequisite Charms: None

You are a master of many Artifacts; your Essence permeates them. Your arsenal is a part of you, and you a part of it.

Commit the full-cost attunement of an Artifact weapon. Reduce the attunement cost of further Artifact weapons to 1m each. This doesn’t stack with any other discount. If you end your full-cost attunement for any reason, you must commit motes to one of your remaining weapons sufficient to bring it to the full commitment.

Elemental Aegis

Cost: 3m (+1a); Mins: Essence 2

Type: Simple; Duration: Instant

Keywords: None

Prerequisite Charms: None

You may banish any attuned jade armor into a display of an element. It melts into a waterfall, flies away as smoke as you walk through a bonfire, or fades into a stone pillar, that sort of thing.

You can use this Charm again to withdraw it from any manifestation of the same element. You don it immediately with a cool enough stunt.

Your anima always counts as an “appropriate elemental display” for your Aspect’s element.

This Charm can be purchased as a Favored Charm.

Dragon-Graced Raiment

Cost: – (4m); Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: One scene or Indefinite

Keywords: None

Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Aegis

You infuse your armor with the elements, or shape it from them.

When you recall armor banished with Elemental Aegis, you can put it on in just (Mobility Penalty + 1) rounds. It is wreathed in the element you used to summon it: its plates are frozen lightning, its elegant layers are woven from colorful flame, its chestplate is wood and the epaulettes huge blossoms, etc. It remains empowered for 1 scene.

You can also use Elemental Aegis to create any type of mundane armor instantly out of the elements. Created armor normally disappears when the scene ends, but you can commit 4m to make it indefinite. You may also create mundane clothes that count as exceptional equipment for all social rolls that take your clothes into account (esp. through a stunt).

Each element conveys the following benefits when girding or shaping armor:

  • AIR. The armor is weightless. It gains the Buoyant and Silent tags. Its mobility penalty is reduced by 1 when it impacts your Evasion. Light armor adds 1 bonus die to Stealth rolls.
  • EARTH. The armor gains +1 Soak, or +(higher of Essence or 3) soak against smashing attacks or any other attack that would attempt to move you. Artifact armor gets +1 Hardness against such attacks, and normal clothing gets Hardness 4 against them. Earth clothing does not count as armor but offers Soak and Hardness against smashing attacks.
  • FIRE. Fire armor deals 1 die of lethal damage, ignoring Hardness, to any enemy who hits you with an unarmed or natural attack, or once per round to anyone who attempts to grab you. You get an automatic success on all Apperance-based threaten rolls.
  • WATER. Water armor gets the Concealable tag and adds 1 automatic success to resist being grappled, bound, restrained, or to move through tight spaces. Armor that is already Concealable gains an automatic success on disguise rolls, as does water clothing.
  • WOOD. Wood armor grants 1 automatic success on Inspire rolls, Instill rolls to create ties of attraction to the wearer, and persuade or bargain rolls to seduce characters. Likewise wood clothing.

This Charm can be purchased as a Favored Charm.

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