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A Charm is a system abstraction for the instinctual ability of all Princes of the Earth to channel their Essence into cool flashy effects. Most Charms do not exist within the fiction; there are no books of their techniques, but someone may point at you and say, “Ah, the ancient breath technique of Master Daanxi!”

Most of your magic in Exalted is represented by Charms.

How to Read a Charm

A Charm is listed with many little bits of detail bundled together. Here is a guide on how to read them.


Every Charm has a listed cost. The cost might be –, in which case the Charm is permanent or free. Costs are abbreviated as follows:

Abbreviation Meaning
#m # motes
#wp # Willpower
#ahl # aggravated health levels of damage
#bhl # bashing health levels of damage
#lhl # lethal health levels of damage
#a # levels of glow from your anima
#i # Initiative


You must meet both of these minimums in order to purchase this Charm.

Charm Types

Charms have four types: Simple, Reflexive, Supplemental, and Permanent.


A simple Charm creates an action. You cannot flurry a simple Charm unless it explicitly says that you can.


A reflexive Charm can be used at any time, whether or not it is your turn.


A supplemental Charm enhances a given action. Supplemental Charms can only be used for actions using the Ability (Melee Charms to supplement a Melee roll, etc.) unless the Charm explicitly says otherwise. A supplemental Charm will specify in parentheses what specific action or actions it affects.


A permanent Charm is always available.


Charm keywords encode fiddly bits of information into abstract keywords, like how keywords work in Magic: the Gathering. They just make a particular noteworthy bit of information easier to notate.


Most Charms are instant, meaning that they happen at the moment that the cost is spent.

If a Charm has a cost that lasts longer than 1 turn, the cost must be committed. While they are committed, you do not regenerate them.

Lifting a commitment is reflexive and ends the effect immediately.

Prerequisite Charms

You must meet all listed prerequisites in order to purchase a Charm.

Charm Limits

Many Charms add bonus dice or successes. Note the following restriction:

You may only add up to (Ability + Specialty) dice using Charms to a single

Automatic successes count as 2 dice.

This is called your Charm limit. Your Charm limit counts not only your Excellency, but all dice added from all active Charm effects.

Anything called out as “non-Charm” does not count against your Charm limit

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