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The Realm has been a coherent political entity for over seven centuries. During that time, it has expanded under the Empress’ rule from a single city-state to a massive imperial and military power. All of Creation bends a knee to the Realm.

The history of the Realm begins with the Realm Before and the sacred uprising of the Dragon-Blooded under the Immaculate Dragons. After the Dragons overthrew the devil-kings, their military structure gave rise to the creation of the Shogunate.

The Thousand Tragedies period marked the end of the Shogunate, brought about by the Unraveling which shook Creation to its core. In RY -12, the Empress used the Sword of Creation to purge the raksha and their wicked disease from the world, leading to the rise of the Seven Tigers. After twelve years, she used the same Sword of Creation to destroy the Seven Tigers and establish her own empire, which became known as the Realm.

The 1st to 3rd century of the Realm are known as the Unification Period, during which the Empress brought the whole Blessed Isle under her control. The 4th through 7th centuries are generally known as the Spreading Dragon Wings period, focused heavily on the Realm’s expansion of satrapial holdings.

The discovery of Wu-Jian in the 690s, the dismantling of House Iselsi, the elevation of House V’neef, and the sudden cultural changes of the early 700s have lead some scholars to propose that this generation represents the start of a new, as of yet, unnamed period, a “modern period” of abrupt changes.

Ancient History

Humans have inhabited the Blessed Isle for as long as there has been humanity to inhabit it. In ancient times, the Isle was the seat of empires of many of the devil-kings spoken of in the Immaculate Texts, and home to relics and splendors lost to the modern age. This period is known as the Realm Before.

Relics and ruins of the Realm Before can be found throughout the Isle, and are jealously and closely guarded by the Realm’s ministries. Many of these ruins contain powerful magic, inconceivable trickery, and ancient Artifacts – all valuable and restricted.

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