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The Realm

The Realm is the mightiest empire in all Creation, an unrivaled beacon of power and glory. Ruled in just configuration by the mighty Dragon-Blooded of its Great Houses in fealty to the Empress, no other nation can rival the stability and power of the Realm.

Social Class

The Empress is the supreme authority of the Realm, and mother to all within its borders. Her power is uncontestable and absolute; every time a rebellion has been raised against her, it has been swiftly crushed and destroyed.

Below the Empress are the Dynasty, the ten Great Houses that she has elevated to the highest possible status. The Dynasty is ruled by the Dragon-Blooded, who have been Chosen by the dragons; their un-Exalted family are just below them on the hierarchy. Also included in the Dynasty are the various adopted lost eggs, Dragon-Blooded who originated from outside the Great Houses, and sometimes the cadet houses, royal Dragon-Blooded families from the Threshold tied by marriage to the Dynasty proper.

Below the Dynasty is the patriciate, the Realm’s administrative class. These are the vital functionaries of the Realm who handle the day-to-day work of running an empire. When a Prince of the Earth sets a course on her ship, it is her patrician officers who direct the crew. When a Prince of the Earth makes a decision for her ministry, her patrician executors see that it is carried out.

Near the bottom of the totem pole are the peasantry, who form the vast bulk of the Realm’s population. Peasants make a living as workers, farmers, tradesfolk, or other such professions. The peasantry are citizens and thus provided the protection of law and order, though many never have need of such protections.

Slaves are the lowest level of society. The Realm forbids the practice of hereditary slavery; the child of a slave is always a citizen. Slaves are usually foreigners or prisoners of war pressed into service. Many crimes are also punishable by slavery. Individuals cannot own slaves; slaves are property of society as a whole. The exception are Dynastic families, which are allowed to own household slaves exclusively.

Outside of society are the dispossessed, the scum of Creation. The dispossessed have no rights and are not recognized as human. They are forbidden from owning personal property and have no protections under the law. Dispossession is the severest punishment the Realm has to hand, reserved only for escaped dissidents, tax evaders, and bandits. Enslaving the dipossessed is strictly forbidden by law, for doing so elevates them back to humanity.

The Government

The Empress is the supreme authority of the Realm and her word is law.

The Deliberative is the Realm’s legislature. The Deliberative is divided into two chambers: the Lesser and the Greater. The senators of the Greater Chamber are appointed by the Empress to represent the interests of the Great Houses. The Lesser Chamber consists of delegates elected by the Greater Chamber, and serves to approve the laws passed by the Upper Chamber before sending them to the Empress.

The Imperial Ministries are tasked with the enforcement and execution of Imperial will. Hundreds of ministries and thousands of ministers see to the execution of the law and, most importantly, collecting tax revenue.

The Magistracy are a special force of officers selected by the Empress herself for their incorruptible honor and dutiful execution of the law. Imperial Magistrates are tasked with rooting out corruption and solving unsolvable crimes that the local constabulary have given up on.


The final element that makes up the Realm are the satrapies, subjugated colonial holdings from across the sea. These lesser nations and barbarian lands have been subjugated and sworn fealty to the Realm. They pay taxes and tribute in the form of resources and people, and in exchange the Realm provides protection and culture.

Some satrapies, like the southern port city of Chiaroscuro, are so large and successful that they are granted significant autonomy. Chiaroscuro itself is nearly as large as the Imperial City. Most satrapies, however, are poor and struggling, and their conquest by the Realm is a mercy.

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