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The Quiet Art of Sorcery

All the Chosen can wield magic in the form of Charms – but only some of them can wield the strange secrets of sorcery, the art of bending the world to your will.

Status of Sorcery

Sorcerers are very important to the Realm, but also strange and often unpleasant. They are often thought of as odd, quiet people, content to hide away in a tower for months on end in pursuit of dragons know what and cavorting with strange otherworldly powers.

Every House retains sorcerers, but often keep them at arm’s length. They are frequently respected and well-paid, but detached and often uninvolved in the politics that are the Dynasty’s lifeblood.

The Circles of Sorcery

Sorcery is divided into Circles of increasing power.

  • EMERALD CIRCLE: The Emerald Circle is the basic circle, and the one which is available to Princes and mortal sorcerers.
  • SAPPHIRE CIRCLE: The Sapphire Circle is more powerful and more maddening. It is only accessible to Anathema who make blasphemous deals for such power, or Princes who have cultivated such power through careful study and ancient powers.

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