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Social Defenses

You have two primary social defense stats: Resolve and Guile.


Your Resolve is your ability to resist being persuaded. Your Resolve is equal to ([Wits + Integrity] / 2, round up).


Your Gile is your poker face. Mostly you use it to resist Read Intentions or similar effects. Your Guile is equal to ([Manipulation + Socialize] / 2, round up).

Rejecting Influence

If your Resolve is overcome, you still have a final opportunity to resist being persuaded. You may spend Willpower to reject influence.

Rejecting Instill and Inspire

You may spend 1wp to automatically resist any Instill or Inspire action.

Decision Points

If you resist a Persuade, Bargain, or Threaten action, you enter a decision point.

In a decision point, you must cite a second, equally strong or stronger Intimacy as the one used as leverage in order to resist. So if you were Persuaded through a Major Intimacy, you must cite a different Major or Defining Intimacy in order to reject the influence.

If you are able to cite such an Intimacy, you spend 1wp and reject the influence.

If you are unable to cite such an Intimacy, you may not reject and you have to go along with what you’ve been persuaded.

Unacceptable Influence

The last and final protection is that some influence is just straight-up unacceptable. Here are some examples:

  • An Instill action without sufficient evidence;
  • A Persuade action without sufficient leverage;
  • Influence that the person believes would lead to death or suicide;
  • A seduction attempt that defies the target’s sexuality;
  • etc.

You automatically resist unacceptable influence – it just doesn’t work.