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Poison Stats

Poisons have four major stats: damage/interval, duration, penalty, and vector.

Damage per Interval

Damage/interval is how much damage the poison does, and how frequently it does it.


Duration describes how long the poison persists.


Penalty represents the penalty assessed to all actions while suffering from the poison.


Vector represents the means of contracting the poison; usually the vector is something like “damage” or “ingestion.”

Poison Process

When you are first exposed to the poison, roll (Stamina + Resistance). Every success on the roll reduces the poison’s duration by 1 unit.

The Chosen can completely reduce a poison, suffering no consequences. Mortals can reduce it to, at most, half the normal duration.

Every interval, roll the damage and take the result.

Multiple Doses

If you suffer from multiple doses of the same poison, the durations stack. New doses will add to the duration of any doses you are currently suffering.

Example Poisons

Red Snake Venom: Damage 2i/round (L in Crash); duration: 3 rounds; penalty: -3; vector: damage.

Arsenic: Damage 2L/day; duration: 7 days; penalty: -0; vector: ingestion.