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Aesthetics of Medicine

Medicine in Exalted and in the Realm specifically does not have to, nor necessarily should, mirror the contemporary understanding of medicine.

There are no germs or viruses in Creation – or if there are, they aren’t known and no one cares. No, you see, disease is much simpler than that: your qi is out of line, you’ve been cursed by a ghost, that sort of thing.

Medicine in Exalted works because it is cool. Set aside all your understanding of real-world medicine, and embrace the fantastical.

This isn’t clinical medicine – this is a world of physick and chirurgy.

A natural inspiration for treatment in the Realm is TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine. Let’s say you chose this is your aesthetic; you might then assemble the following list of treatments that you will use during the game.

Anatomy of Illness

The body has several meridians, lines of vital energy that run between organs and body parts carrying Essence/qi/prana/life energy. In addition, the soul has several anchor-points called “chakra” which facilitate the spiritual aspect of life. Collectively, your meridian network and chakra system are called your subtle body.

All illness is the result of imbalances or disruptions of the flow of energy in the subtle body. Thus, all treatments are focused on restoring the flow of qi through the meridian network or clearing blockages from the chakra flow.

Modalities of Treatment

In the Realm, you are likely to encounter some or all of the following in the practice of physick.

Most treatments will begin with acupuncture, herbal remedies, qigong, and food therapy, then proceed to other methods as needed.


Acupuncture treatment is carried out by inserting tiny, thin needles at various vital points of the subtle body. By stimulating these points, the needles encourage good qi flow.


Chiropractic is the practice of “realignment” in the bones and muscles to encourage the proper flow of energy. Chiropractic often involves a quick blow to “realign” bones and treat pain.


Cupping involves using fire to quickly create suction inside a cup, and then applying the cup to the skin. It causes the skin to pucker up and turn slightly red. By gliding the cup along meridians, you can excite good flow.

Food Therapy

Food therapy seeks to address the source of imbalance by removing impurities from the patient’s diet. This usually involves purging elemental foods from the diet; a person with an overabundance of fire Essence, for example, would receive a diet plan lacking in fire foods and featuring an abundance of water foods to balance out.

Herbalism and Animal Treatment

Herbs are an extremely common treatment, and the one you probably go to first. Brewing teas, chewing herbs, and burning smudge sticks (moxibustion) are common herbalist practices.

Here is a super awesome, illustrated guide to herbs in RPGs! Such a cool resource.

Animal treatment often involves animal products, like a tincture made from boiling hen’s blood or a massage oil made from beeswax or boar fat. Like herbs, these products are consumed or applied to the skin.

Incense and Color Therapy

In this non-invaisive treatment for chakra blockage, the patient is placed into a room with special burning incenses and glass panes put over the lights to produce a certain color. Exposure to these effects helps stimulate the soul to restore balance and free flow of chakra energy in the subtle body.

Jade and Crystal Placement

Jade stones or special crystals are placed along the meridians or pointed and used as acupuncture needles. This treatment encourages energy flow via the elemental associations of the stones.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy involves deep, sometimes painful targeted massages of meridian points to stimulate qi flow. This one is a favorite among the aristocracy – the floating-on-a-cloud feeling after a good, deep painful massage is a lovely addition to any medical treatment.

Qigong Physical Therapy

Qigong involves a regimen of meditation and taiji practices to stimulate the muscles and help make the body more limber; this aids in qi flow and reduces the likelihood of recurring blockages. It also helps you get some exercise, which is good for you overall!


Scraping involves running coins or stones over the skin to irritate it and, in more severe cases, to draw a little blood. This is a last-resort method for extreme qi blockages, or a follow-up to inconclusive cupping treatment.

Thermal Therapy

Exposing the body to heat – steamhouses, hot stones pressed into the skin, etc. – or cold – jumping into snow or quick dives into freezing lakes – can excite the nerves, helping with a wide variety of complications.