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Crime: The Mouse’s Art

It is inevitable that you will eventually want to do something a little shady. Here’s how all that works.

Conceal Evidence

Use Conceal Evidence to hide an item or cover up what you have done. Conceal Evidence usually takes about 15 minutes to an hour depending on how much you are trying to cover up.

Roll ([Intelligence or Wits] + Larceny). As long as you roll at least 1 success, you have concealed your tracks. The number of successes you roll becomes the difficulty for an investigator to uncover your actions.


Use Disguise to create a disguise that makes you appear to be someone else. In most cases, putting a disguise together will require make-up, a costume, and about 5 to 15 minutes depending on how complicated your ruse is.

Choose one:

  • GENERIC: You are disguising yourself as a generic individual.
  • SPECIFIC: You are disguising yourself as a specific individual

Impersonating a Generic Individual

Use this option to disguise yourself as “an old man” or “a janitor,” without trying to impersonate someone specific.

You will take a -2 penalty for each of the following that differs between you and your intended target:

  • AGE: If you and your target are noticeably different ages.
  • SEX: IF you and your target are noticeably different sexes.
  • RACE: If you and your target are noticeably different races or skin tones.
  • BODY TYPE: If you and your target are noticeably different in height, weight, proportion, etc.

Impersonating a Specific Individual

In addition to the penalties listed in Impersonating a Generic Individual, you also face a -4 penalty to attempt to impersonate a specific person. Every week of observation you have on that person – learning their mannerisms and tone, etc. – reduces the penalty by 1.

Creating Your Disguise

Roll ([Intelligence or Appearance] + Larceny). As long as you roll at least 1 success, you have created a disguise. The number of successes on your roll then becomes the difficulty for someone to see through your disguise.

Opposing Disguise

You can attempt to see through a diguise by using Awareness.

The difficulty to see through a disguise is equal to the successes on the initial disguise roll. You can attempt to see through a disguise when first meeting someone, and periodically thereafter if they are acting oddly.

If someone is impersonating a specific individual who you are familiar with, you can attempt to see through their disguise if they act out-of-character. Every time they lapse their behavior, you can roll with Awareness and a bonus 1-3 dice based on how major the divergence is.


Lockpicking is (Dexterity + Larceny). You will need a lockpick in order to force the lock; if you do not have one, you can use a substitute for +1 difficulty on the roll.


Pickpocketing is an opposed roll between your Larceny and the target’s Awareness. If you fail, you not only don’t get the item, the target also knows that it was you who was trying to steal from him.

You cannot steal an item that is in active use without magic. In general, you can’t pull a Skyrim and steal clothes off someone’s back or anything else too bulky – but Charms might let you do that.

This action can also be used to steal items from stores, plant items in a person’s pockets, or to perform simple feats of prestidigitation.