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The Low Art of Nature

The world can be pretty tough.



In most circumstances, as long as you have brought appropriate supplies for the trip, you will not need to roll to find food or make camp.

If you are stuck in the wilderness without supplies, or if you find yourself journeying through especially difficult terrain, a single ([Intelligence or Wits] + Survival) roll will cover a whole day’s foraging, making camp, and other basic survival precautions.


Tracking someone is a contested roll pitting your Survival against the target’s.

Handling Animals

Training an animal is probably an extended Survival roll with a difficulty based on how stubborn the beastie is. Knowledge of the animal’s behavior can help you with bonuses or just through fun cool stunts.

Difficult Terrain

Difficult terrain gives you a -3 penalty to movement actions. It often has lots of potential cover, which is a nice trade.

While moving across difficult terrain, you must use your reflexive movement two turns in a row to move one range band, so you’re boned.

Environmental Hazards

An environmental hazard has a difficulty to avoid it, an interval in which it deals damage, and a damage that it deals per interval.

Avoiding an Environmental Hazard

When you are exposed to an environmental hazard, you can roll to avoid taking damage from it. The exact nature of this roll depends on the hazard – but usually Stamina is good to endure something, and Dexterity good to get out of the way.


Every interval you are exposed to the hazard, you can make a roll to avoid it. If you fail that roll, you suffer the hazard’s damage.


Environmental hazards usually ignore Soak and Hardness. If the hazard deals bashing or lethal damage, it goes straight to your health track.

Feats of Strength

A feat of strength lets you pull of heroic acts of physical prowess. Throwing boulders and holding up a burning roof are good feats of strength. A feat of destruction allows you to destroy something using your Raw Muscle Power.

Minimum Strength Requirement

Feats of strength/demolition have a minimum Strength you must meet or exceed in order to attempt them. You Must Be This Brawny To Pass.

Automatic Success

You can automatically pull off a feat of strength if your pool is three times or more the difficulty. At that point you’re just so strong there’s no good reason to make you try.

Example Charts

Here are some example feats of strength:

  • STRENGTH 3: Lift a full-grown man over your head; throw an anvil through a wall; kick a door off its hinges; lift a horse; break stones on your knee; bend an iron bar with your bare hands and impressive moustache.
  • STRENGTH 5: Throw a horse; bend a horseshoe into a balloon animal; snap iron manacles with your massive thighs; smash down a brick wall with a hammer; kick down an iron door and take the hinges with it.
  • STRENGTH 7: Lift a boulder; raise a drawbridge with your muscles; grab the handholds of a fully-laden caravan wagon and drag it out of a chasm; grab a hold of iron bars and pry them out of their stone settings with a heave and a flex of your mighty pecs.