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The following statuses have combat effects.


You are Crashed automatically if your Initiative drops to 0 or less. You automatically lose this status if your Initiative becomes 1 or higher.

You have base Hardness 0 against all decisive attacks. Magic cannot increase this unless it explicitly says so.

You cannot use Charms with the Perilous keyword.

At the end of your turn, you gain 1 Crash Recovery token. You gain 1 additional token if you did not attack. If you have 3 or more tokens at the start of your turn, you lose the Crashed status.’


At the beginning of your turn, if you have any Onslaught status, you lose all your Onslaught statuses.

This status stacks. You automatically gain 1 point of Onslaught every time you are attacked, even if the attack misses.

While you have Onslaught, your Defense is reduced by 1 for every point of Onslaught you have. This penalty is called your Onslaught penalty.


If you Crash someone who Crashed you, you become Shifted.

In addition to your regular bonus of +5 Initiative for Crashing someone, you also get to roll Join Battle again and add those successes to your Initiative.

You then lose the Shifted status.


If you attack another character on the same tick that they attacky you, you both become Clashed. You lose 3i when you become Clashed.

While Clashed, you do not roll against your target’s Defense, but instead you make an opposed roll against your target’s attack. The winner is whoever rolls higher, or if you tie, the player character. For effects that reference Defense, your Defense is the result of your roll.

After the attack is resolved, you lose the Clashed status.


You take -3 on all rolls which reasonably involve sight. You get -2 Defense against all ranged attacks. You cannot read without magic.

You take -5 on all rolls which are completely dependent on sight.

If you have a specialty (While Blind) in any skill, you ignore the penalties from Blinded while using that skill.


You take -3 on all rolls which reasonably involve your hearing. Attacks which you cannot see are unexpected.

You take -5 on all rolls which are completely dependent on sight.

If you have a specialty (While Deaf) in any skill, you ignore the penalties from Deafened while using that skill.


You take -3 on all actions which depend on your disabled or missing limb.

If you are missing a leg, all terrain counts as difficult terrain.

If you have a specialty of (While Crippled) in any skill, you ignore the penalties from Crippled while using that skill.


You are only Mounted if you are riding something.

You are Reach with all close-range weapons.

You may use Ride instead of Athletics or Dodge for combat movement, and add your mount’s Speed bonus to those rolls.

As long as you have moved since the start of your most recent turn, you can use Ride instead of Dodge for your Evasion.

After two consecutive turns of moving toward a target, the first attack you make against the target gets +5 withering damage or +3 decisive damage as you run them down.


You are on your back. You cannot move except to take the Rise from Prone combat action (difficulty 2). You get -1 Parry, -2 Evasion, and -3 on all attacks.


You cannot use flurries. You take -2 to your Defense and all Dodge rolls. You cannot take movement actions unless you are dragging/restraining. You get -1 to all attack rolls. You count as being in close quarters if you are Reach.


You get 1 automatic bonus success when you make a close-range attack against defenders who are not Reach. You get +1 Defense against close-range attacks made by attackers who are not Reach. If you are fighting in close quarters or low ceilings, these bonuses instead become penalties.