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The Red Art of Violence

The goal of the combat system in Exalted is to provide a framework for punchy, cinematic fights with lots of flourishes, banter, and aesthetics. It cares much more about “look and feel” than simulation. The foremost goal of the combat system is not to have a fight; it is to provide a cinematic scene that happens to involve violence.

Your role in combat is not as a participant so much as a director or choreographer.

Watch this video of lightsaber fights from the Star Wars franchise. Does it make sense that space monks use laser swords the way that they do? No, not really. But it makes for great viewing, which is the important part. Similarly, in Exalted, the focus is not on realism – the focus is on theater. IF you can think of cool flourishes, crazy flips, ridiculous boasts… All of those things belong on the battlefield.

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