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Administration is the aspect of Bureaucracy you use to maneuver within an existing system.

If you want to be brief, administration covers “interacting with your boss.”

Administrative Tasks

All administrative tasks fall into one of two categories: minor tasks and major tasks.

Minor Tasks

Minor tasks are routine bureaucratic endeavors that involve, at most, a handful of people. A peasant requesting travel papers is an example of a minor task.

Major Tasks

A major task involves many people and layers of approval. It is a large endeavor that requries an investment of time and energy. A magistrate auditing a Prince’s finances is a major task.

Describing Tasks

A bureaucratic task has a goal which describes the intended result. In addition, every task has a Speed which describes the pace it moves at.


The goal of a task describes the intended result. An example goal is “acquire travel papers for Red Crane.” When the task is completed, the goal will be achieved.


Every task has a Speed at which it moves. This Speed describes how long you can expect the process to take.

Speed Description
1 Instant(ish)
2 Minutes
3 Hours
4 Days
5 Weeks
6 Months
7 Seasons
8 Years
9 Decades
10 Centuries
11 Forever

Resolving Tasks

Resolving a Minor Task

A minor task is a single roll with Bureaucracy with the specified Difficulty. It takes as long as the Speed to resolve.

Getting Papers for Red Crane (Minor Bureaucratic Task, Difficulty 2, Speed 4)

Resolving a Major Task

A major task requires an extended roll. The difficulty and goal number of the task are set by the Storyteller.

The interval for this extended roll is the Speed.

Auditing the Finances of the Ji-Su Family (Major Bureaucratic Task, difficulty 2, Speed 5, Goal 20)