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Artifact Weapons

Artifact weapons are magical weapons handed down through a heroic lineage; think of stuff like the Japanese Imperial Sword or the Gae Bulg from Irish mythology.

All Artifact weapons have the Artifact tag, which improves their stats significantly. In addition, every individual Artifact weapon can unlock Evocations, powerful Charms that are based on the Artifact’s legend and only available to the wielder of that weapon.

Artifact Names

Also, Artifacts get fun silly names based on what kind of weapon they are. We’ve got plenty in the canon, too many to list actually.

For example, an Artifact sword is called a daiklave, and an Artifact bow is called a powerbow. Plenty of weapons don’t have named Artifact equivalents. For those, if you pick one, you’re free to come up with whatever you like, and I will probably use it forever and ever until a book tells me otherwise.

Designing an Artifact

Evocations are a lot of work. Even a 3-dot Artifact probably has a handful of them. You don’t need to define them; I will work with you to define them. That being said, you will need to provide me some starting points:

  1. What is the legend of your Artifact up to this point?
  2. What materials is your Artifact made from?
  3. Who had it before you?

Those will give me a starting point to help you come up with mechanics.