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Locations of interest and places worth knowing.

Imperial City

The largest city in the world and seat of the Realm. Home to over a million people and luxurious in all regards.

Hexieyu Manor

A minor Mnemon compound, mostly reserved for hosting parties. Located on a cliff edge overlooking Firefly District. Ragara (first name unknown) assassinated Mnemon Temperance here with hag’s powder, leading to his eventual capture at the hands of our heroes.

The Soaring Heights Estate

A major Mnemon holding. Base of operations for Magistrate Mnemon Korvu when she is in the Imperial City. One of the three primary Mnemon compounds in the Imperial City.

Chanos Prefecture and the City of Chanos

The city of Chanos is the largest city on the Isle’s northern shore, the seat of House Sesus, and the home port of the Air Fleet. A major trade port and seat of power, the city of Chanos is snowy in the winter and mild in the summer.

The House of Burning Wind

The House of Burning Wind

The seat of House Sesus. A sprawling estate of pagodas, windmills, and gardens, overlooking the Bay of Chanos.

The Iron-Rock-Overlooking-the-Bay Estate

Residence and administrative offices of Ragara Nova, Prefect of Chanos Prefecture. A respectable estate in the Imperial style, with sand gardens in place of living ones.

The Fungal Garden

A powerful wood-aspected manse a good ride out from the city of Chanos. The seat of The Slug’s empire of vice and information. A steamy jungle patch high up in chilly mountains.

The Digsite

Sdoia Prefecture

A riverine and well-traveled province on the eastern coast, about 150 miles out from the Imperial City. Home to many famous manors and vacation estates, as well as the Wood Fleet seat in the city of Sdoia.

Ashen Granite Pavilion

A Cathak compound in Sdoia, administered by Cathak Argent Fawn. A sprawling compound built around a gigantic boulder that radiates impossible heat. After Argent Fawn’s mother died, she was left with the responsibility of adminsitering the estate in holding for House Cathak. Naiyo’s nominal home.