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Dramatis Personae

Main Cast

Cynis Jayla

Cynis Jayla

Air Aspect. Ice bitch. Daughter of Cynis Fa-Len. Betrothed to Tepet Jeongyeon.

Ledaal Naiyo

Ledaal Naiyo

Fire Aspect. Monster hunter. Son of Ledaal Verath, husband of Cathak Argent Fawn

Peleps Tempest

Peleps Tempest

Water Aspect. Revenant captain; the Phoenix of Whaler’s Bay. Sister of Peleps Shore, daughter of Peleps Clear Blue Sky.


House Cathak

Cathak Argent Fawn

Fire Aspect. A former Legionnaire and current lord of the Ashen Granite Pavillion in Sdoia Province. Wife of Ledaal Naiyo.

House Cynis

Cynis Fa-Len

Wood Aspect. Matriarch of House Cynis in charge of financial affairs. Mother to Cynis Jaylah.

Cynis Lo-Sa

Wood Aspect. Representative of Cynis Fa-Len, caravaneer and profiteer; has definitely never sold arms to both sides in a conflict. Sister of Cynis Jayla, one of Cynis Fa-Len’s Auspicious Daughters.

House Ledaal

Ledaal Verath

Air Aspect. An esteemed physician, respected alchemist, and famed master of the White Mountain Phoenix style. Mother of Ledaal Naiyo.

House Mnemon

Mnemon Korvu

Earth Aspect. Blind Magistrate in the service of the Empress. Childhood acquaintance of the main cast and commanding Magistrate of Bal Dazo.

Mnemon Temperance

Water Aspect. The Artist. A minister in Her Radiance’s service, in charge of coordinating monopolies. In her spare time, a studier of art and art history – and uncoverer of the Triptych. Sister of Mnemon Korvu by many years.

House Nellens

Nellens Kamir

Water Aspect. Instructor at the Heptagram specializing in the pharmeceutical properties of plants. Mentor to Ledaal Naiyo.

House Peleps

Peleps Clear Blue Sky

Water Aspect. A feared judge presiding over the courts in Azure Crane Province, near the Isle of Wrack. Mother of Peleps Tempest and Peleps Shore.

Peleps Shore

Water Aspect. An interpreter of the Curators of the Imperial Registry – a super lawyer and bureaucrat. Elder brother by twenty years of Peleps Tempest, son of Peleps Clear Blue Sky.

House Ragara

Ragara Mango

Air Aspect. Assassin, responsible for the murder of Mnemon Temperance. Son of Ragara Sayyah.

Ragara Sayyah

Earth Aspect. A former Legionnaire, a current sorcerer, and on the DNFW list. Mother to Ragara Mango.

Ragara Nova

Wood Aspect. Prefect of Chanos Prefecture, long time rival of Sesus Majali. A crazy old man.

Ragara Haama

Aspect Unknown. A pale, pretty young man with dark hair and red eyes. Unsurprisingly, a blood-witch. Has some kind of connection to Ragara Nova and Ragara Sayyah.

House Sesus

Sesus Sōng

Fire Aspect. A former general of the Sesus Legions, now a permanent resident of Chanos. An upright woman who commands respect for her victories. Walks with a limp. Mother of Sesus Root.

Sesus Majali

Fire Aspect. The City Governor of the City of Chanos, a rival to Ragara Nova for control of the city’s politics. Red-haired, and extremely confident of herself.

Sesus Nagezzer

Wood Aspect. Also known as “The Slug.” A powerful figure in the trade of slaves, drugs, and other sensual pleasures; also known to operate a wide-ranging network of informants and spies. An information broker. Sesus Root’s boss.

Sesus Root

Wood Aspect. By day, a humble merchant of exotic fineries – by night, many things at many times. Untrustworthy. A childhood acquaintance of the main cast.

House Tepet

Tepet Jeongyeon

Air Aspect. Newly elevated satrap of the foreign kingdom of Psamal Ide, very young for his position. Betrothed husband of Cynis Jaylah.

The Patriciate

House Bal

A powerful patrician house, deeply rooted in the Imperial Treasury.

Bal Keraz

Earth Aspect. The Empress’ Exchequer, tasked with overseeing tax revenue, auditing official accounts, and bringing charges against violators. 180 years old. Relative of Bal Dazo.

Bal Dazo

Mortal. Archon in service to Mnemon Korvu.

House Tenna

A patrician house from Sdoia Province.

Tenna Sweet Crane

Tempest’s new second-in-command, assigned to her staff for transporting the mysterious cargo from Pangu to Chanos.