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Group achievements and accomplishments.

Arc 1: Dragons Indivisible

Take Your Beatings

Pass the encounter with Sister River Serpent and win the Farewell.

High School Hijinks

Graduate from primary school and attend secondary school.

Arc 2: (name yet to be decided)

The Peleps Family Secret Technique

Apprehend the assassin with a flying atomic elbow.

You Saved My Life!

Survive the poisoning attempt at the Mnemon compound.

At Last, the Plot

Discover the secret of the Triptych at the Mnemon compound.

Breather 1: (name yet to be decided)

Full Speed Ahead!

Defeat the pirates harassing the V’neef Convoy.

Arc 3: (name yet to be decided)

Can’t Touch This

Survive the assassination attempt in Chanos without taking damage.

A Snake in the Grass

Observe Sesus Root’s interrogation without getting noticed.

Intimidate Her? I Hardly Know Her!

Beat Sesus Root in a duel in less than 5 minutes.

The Slug, At Your Service

Defeat the kiura and earn the… gratitude… of Jayla’s sister.

Tastefully Backlit

Earn both seduction cutscenes in one go.

A Rose By Any Other Name

Discover the Calibration game the boys of House Sesus play, and intervene.

Those Who Play With Fire…

Have tea with Sesus Majali.

… Are Likely To Be Burned

Have tea with Ragara Nova.

The First Time This Year

Punch a shark.

You Are Not Welcome Here

Discover the identity of the blood-witch.