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Monster Traits

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Defining a Trait

Monsters are defined by one or more traits. A trait is an ineffable and indisputably true fact about the monster. As long as that monster has that trait, that fact is simply and nebulously true.

For example, in one of our sessions, you fought a kiura. The kiura has the trait “Invincible and regenerative,” so as long as that trait persists, the kiura cannot be harmed, and will heal any damage it is dealt.

Discovering a Trait

If you take time to research a monster, and that beast resembles something in your resources or your archives, you can roll (Intelligence + Occult) or (Intelligence + Lore) to uncover the traits its species are known to possess.


Most traits are accompanied by a weakness, which is a way that the trait can be nullified and rendered moot. Continuing our example, the kiura’s trait “Invincincible and regenerative” has a weakness “Bound to a hidden sigil.”

When you act on a weakness, you cancel the monster’s special trait that it is tied to. In our kiura example, you acted on the monster’s “Bound to a hidden sigil” weakness by destroying the sigil hidden in the merchant caravan. Since you acted on the weakness (in this case, destroying the sigil), the kiura’s “Invincible and regenerative” trait was nullified.

Discovering a Weakness

When you research a monster, you uncover any known weaknesses that accompany the known traits.

In conflict with a monster, you can use (Wits + Occult) or (Wits + Lore) to identify a new weakness when it is first exposed. If, for example, the monster has an aversion to fire, you can use (Wits + Occult) to deduce that when the monster reacts to heat or light. You may roll the same, but slightly more difficult, to determine the weakness even without exposure; you’ve learned it in a book before, or the monster seems sufficiently similar to something you already know about.