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Laughing Monster Style

Laughing Monster Style originates from the teachings of the raksha – the fae creatures that live far beyond the edge of the world. In ancient times, the silvery Anathema and the most radical deviants of the Terrestrial Host studied their teachings and refined them into this martial form. After all, what better way to defeat your opponents than to know them?

Laughing Monster Style revels in impetuosity and cruelty. Its practitioners learn not only to fight with glee, but to find glee in the defeat of their opponents. They practice strange breathing exercises, trantric methods, rolling dances, and deep meditations on ego in order to distill their secret selves. The style survives in secret dojos, criminal syndicates, and hidden societies. It is a style of thieves, tricksters, revolutionaries, and madmen.

Style Traits

Laughing Monster Style is compatible with unarmed strikes (L), staffs*, **war fans, and whips. It is incompatible with armor.

Laughing Monster Style uses open-handed strikes and ample attacks with the knees and elbows.

Laughing Monster Style is complimented by Dodge, Presence/Socialize, and Occult.

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