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Sail Charms


Fine Passage-Negotiating Style

Cost: 2m/success; Mins: Sail 1, Essence 1

Type: Supplemental (Any roll); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Balanced, Excellency, Water

Prerequisite Charms: None

You and your ship are one and the same.

Add 1 success per 2m spent. Add disappearing 6s.

Essence 1

Storm-Outrunning Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Sail 2, Essence 1

Type: Supplemental (Any roll); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Captain, Water

Prerequisite Charms: None

Your vessel races across the waves like a bird diving through foam.

Whenever you make a Sail roll where your ship’s Speed is included, reroll (lower of Wits or Speed, min 1) failed dice that didn’t come up as a 1.

Ocean-Darting Maneuver

Cost: 5m; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 1

Type: Supplemental (Navigate a Hazard); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Balanced, Captain, Water

Prerequisite Charms: Storm-Outrunning Technique

Under your skillful command, your ship threads the needle’s eye to find just the right course for what you need.

Double 9s.

In combat, this Charm can also be used to enhance a ship gambit.

Dragon Mariner Attitude

Cost: 5m; Mins: Sail 2, Essence 1

Type: Reflexive; Duration: One scene

Keywords: Water

Prerequisite Charms: None

Your reputation precedes you, Captain – but only the reputation you desire.

Choose one:

  • CAROUSING: While ashore, you radiate the aura of one searching for vice in port. People who provide such vices will seek you out. You can easily find information on dens of vice.
  • HEROISM: Everyone who looks at you knows you’re a nautical hero. Those in need of such a person instinctively trust you – treat them as if they have a minor Tie of trust toward you.
  • LEADERSHIP: All sailors under your command are treated as if they have a minor Tie of respect or admiration toward you. You add one bonus success to Inspire or command them. Trivial seafarers on other ships are affected likewise.
  • MENACING: You are threatening. You get one automatic success to Threaten, and for every point that your Appearance exceeds your target’s, you get 1 bonus die.

Deck-Striding Prana

Cost: 3m, 2i; Mins: Sail 2, Essence 1

Type: Supplemental (Movement On a Ship); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Perilous, Water

Prerequisite Charms: Dragon Mariner Attitude

You cannot be tossed about by mere waves.

Add (Sail) bonus dice. You may use your reflexive move to ascend 1 range band up rigging, ladders, decks, etc. without needing to roll.

WATER AURA – You don’t have to pay the Initiative cost and this Charm isn’t Perilous.

Hurricane-Predicting Glance

Cost: 5m; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 1

Type: Simple; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Air

Prerequisite Charms: Dragon Mariner Attitude

Your coat flares with Air Essence and your eyes flash with lightning as you stare into the sky and see the weather yet to come.

Roll ([Perception or Intelligence] + Sail) against difficulty 1 for home waters, 3 for well-traveled waters, or 5 for unmapped seas. If you succeed, you perfectly predict the weather for the next 24 hours, no matter how freakish.

This doesn’t work against weather control magic.

If you foresee dangerous weather, you gain a Sail specialty in avoiding or navigating that weather. This specialty lasts until the weather has passed. You can only have 1 specialty from this Charm at a time.

Sea Dragon’s Cunning

Cost: 3m; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 1

Type: Supplemental (Maneuver); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Balanced, Captain, Water

Prerequisite Charms: None

You are unopposed in your naval glory. Your execution of naval strategy is flawless.

Double 9s. If you succeed, gain 1 Momentum.

WATER AURA – Gain 1 Momentum even if you fail.

Essence 2

Old Salt Spirit

Cost: 5m; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: One scene

Keywords: Balanced, Mute, Water

Prerequisite Charms: Dragon Mariner Attitude

Your experience wells up inside you and steels you against the calls of sirens or the threats of pirates.

Get +1 Resolve against fear while on the ship, or against any influence that would cause you to abandon it or put it into a dangerous situation. If you work in a description of a previos adventure into the stunt, the bonus goes up to +(Sail/2, round up) Resolve.

Seven Seas Wind-Luring Chanty

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 2

Type: Simple; Duration: One day

Keywords: Air

Prerequisite Charms: Hurricane-Predicting Glance

Your voice is a calming doldrum in the wicked stormy winds, or a mighty breeze that drives your ship forward.

Roll (Charisma + Sail) when you face inclement weather. Every 2 successes you get reduces the inclement weather penalty by 1.

If you use this Charm in clear weather, you summon up a wind that boosts your Speed by 1 and drives you in any direction you choose.

Sturdy Bulkhead Concentration

Cost: 4m, 1a; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Restriction (1/scene), Wood

Prerequisite Charms: Ocean-Darting Maneuver

Your anima lashes out like vines, holding the ship together as it is buffeted by harm.

Whenever your ship suffers damage, roll (Essence + 2) non-Charm dice. Add these successes to your roll to have avoided the damage. If the roll now succeeds, your ship takes half the damage, rounded down, that it would have before.

RESET – Succeed at a difficulty 4+ Sail roll.

Mountain-Hull Meditation

Cost: 1m; Mins: Sail 4, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Captain, Earth

Prerequisite Charms: Sturdy Bulkhead Concentration

Your ship’s hull is reinforced with your Earth Essence. It sails unimperiled through perilous storms, firey explosions, and any terror which stands in its way.

Rules in development…

Trial-by-Fire Imperilment

Cost: 5m; Mins: Sail 4, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Captain, Fire

Prerequisite Charms: Sea Dragon’s Cunning

You summon up a rain of fire. Huge plumes of steam and boiling water roil around you ship as chaos decimates your foes.

Rules in development…