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Craft Charms


Masterful Dragon-Artisan Expertise

Cost: 1m/die; Mins: Craft 1, Essence 1

Type: Supplemental (Any roll); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Balanced, Earth, Excellency

Prerequisite Charms: None

All materials yield beneath the skillfull hands of a true artisan.

Add 1 die per 1m spent.

If the roll you are enhancing was rewarded a sunt, you get 1sxp as long as you spend at least 1m on this Excellency.

Essence 1

Stone-Carving Fingers

Cost: 6m; Mins: Craft 3, Essence 1

Type: Supplemental (Basic or Major Craft roll); Duration: One project

Keywords: Balanced, Earth

Prerequisite Charms: None

Your fingers are infused with Earth Essence, and your very touch makes stone supple and pliable.

You may undertake a basic or major Craft project without any need for tools, as long as your material is stone or earth (not metal!).

If you have tools, you work (Essence + 1) times faster. No matter how fast you work, it always takes you at least 1 minute to finish.

Flaw-Finding Examination

Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Craft 3, Essence 1

Type: Simple; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Earth

Prerequisite Charms: None

With a quick blow, flaws and errors, no matter how fine, become obvious to your trained craftsman’s eye.

Roll (Perception + Craft) to start a basic or major repair project or start a feat of demolition. You multiply your rate of work by your successes; so four successes means you work four times faster. This is cumulative with Stone-Carving Fingers.

You gain a Craft or Athletics specialty related to the project; if you already have such a specialty, you may instead gain one non-Charm automatic success. You may add this Specialty to your Strength to determine which feats of demolition you may attempt.

Essence 2

Shaping Hand Style

Cost: –; Mins: Craft 3, Essence 2

Type: Permanent; Duration: Permanent

Keywords: None

Prerequisite Charms: Stone-Carving Fingers

Skillful hands make even tricky materials bend beneath your will.

You may use Stone-Carving Fingers to manipulate the raw materials of any Craft that you have at least 4 dots in. This Charm takes on an element based on the nature of the project.

You cannot use this Charm for Artifacts or large-scale construction.

Stones-From-Rubble Restoration

Cost: 5m; Mins: Craft 3, Essence 2

Type: Supplemental (Repair project); Duration: One project

Keywords: Earth

Prerequisite Charms: Flaw-Finding Examination

As soon as you start to turn them over in your hands, it becomes clear to you how all these things fit together.

You get (Essence / 2, round down) non-Charm successes on the repair project that results from Flaw-Finding Examination.

Touch of Unmaking

Cost: 10m; Mins: Craft 5, Essence 2

Type: Supplemental (Feat of demolition); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Earth

Prerequisite Charms: Stones-from-Rubble Restoration

Knowing how to break something is easy once you know how it’s put together.

Add (Essence / 2, round up) to your effective Strength to commit the feat of demolition initiated by Flaw-Finding Examination. Any extra points of Strength above that which is neede for the feat are added as non-Charm dice to the roll.

Flawless Fact Realization

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Craft 5, Essence 2

Type: Supplemental (Any project roll); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Balanced, Earth

Prerequisite Charms: Shaping Hand Style

You channel the perfection of diamond into your work, honing away the flaws.

Reroll up to (Essence) failed dice that didn’t come up as a 1. Each rerolled die that comes up as a 7, 8, or 9 gives you 1sxp; each rerolled die that comes up as a 10 gives you 1gxp instead.

Strike the Dragon-Anvil

Cost: 1m, 1wp, 1gxp; Mins: Craft 5, Essence 2

Type: Supplemental (Any roll); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Earth

Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Fact Realization

You channel a portion of your own glory into your work. It is greater than the sum of its parts.

Double 9s.

Passion-Inflaming Artistry

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Craft 4, Essence 2

Type: Simple; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Fire

Prerequisite Charms: None


Start a basic or major project to make a work of art; major projects get (Essence) non-Charm dice.

Choose an emotion. Every success on your Craft roll is a success on the roll to Inspire anyone who looks at your art with the chosen emotion. This effect fades after (Essence + Charisma) days.