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Awareness Charms


Precision Observation Method

Cost: 1m/die or 2m/success; Mins: Awareness 1, Essence 1

Type: Supplemental (Any roll); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Balanced, Earth, Excellency

Prerequisite Charms: None

You breathe deeply and the calm serenity of Earth makes all your senses snap to attention.

Add 1 die to the roll for every 1m spent. Or, add 1 success to the roll for every 2m spent.

Essence 1

Cloud-Piercing Focus

Cost: 1m; Mins: Awareness 2, Essence 1

Type: Reflexive; Duration: One tick

Keywords: Balanced, Variable (Earth or Fire or Water)

Prerequisite Charms: None

Nothing hinders the keen eye of a Prince of the Earth.

When you activate this Charm, choose one of the following:

  • EARTH: Ignore all visual penalties from dust storms, sand storms, etc.
  • FIRE: Ignore all visual penalties from smoke, fire, volcanic fumes, etc.
  • WATER: Ignore all visual penalties from rain, mist, fog, etc.

Your vision is extended to its full normal range.

Victory-Seeking Insight

Cost: 4m; Mins: Awareness 2, Essence 1

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Air, Perilous

Prerequisite Charms: None

In a flash of clarity, you understand the positions of combatants and the best means for victory.

After you Join Battle, you may transfer up to (highest of Intelligence, Wits, or War) Initiative to any number of allies, dividing it up however you choose. You can’t Crash yourself.

If you transfer 1+ Initiative to a Hearthmate, he gets 1 additional Initiative.

Deep-Listening Palm

Cost: 5m; Mins: Awareness 2, Essence 1

Type: Simple; Duration: One scene

Keywords: Earth

Prerequisite Charms: None

You touch a surface, and the vibration of voices on the other side is as clear to you as if you were standing in the room.

Touch a surface. You can perceive its vibrations as sound, and hear through it as though it were not there.

Tough materials such as metal and jade require you to succeed at a check, or else you only hear snatches instead of the whole conversation.

All-Encompassing Earth Sense

Cost: 3m; Mins: Awareness 3, Essence 1

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Earth

Prerequisite Charms: Deep-Listening Palm

Your senses tingle as footsteps and breathing resound through the earth. You feel them clearly, vibrating in your spine and stomach chakra.

Whenever you come within short range of a hidden target, you may roll with double 9s to detect it. In order to detect the danger, you and it must both be touching the same surface. You cannot detect danger that is flying or submerged.

UPGRADE (Awareness 4, Essence 2) – At the end of every story arc, you may make this Charm Variable and add one of the following options:

  • AIR: You may sense danger out to close range through vibration in the air.
  • FIRE: You may sense hidden threats out to long range as long as you are both in the same fire, burning building, etc.
  • WATER: You may sense hidden threats out to medium range as long as you are both in the same body of water. You may sense hidden threats in rain or fog out to short range.
  • WOOD: You may sense hidden threats out to short range in foliage or undergrowth.

Essence 2

Dragon’s Crushing Gaze

Cost: 4m; Mins: Awareness 3, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Balanced, Variable (Earth or Water)

Prerequisite Charms: Cloud-Piercing Focus

Your piercing gaze sets the bodies of thieves and cowards aquiver. They feel lead weights in their stomachs and freezing fingers on their spines.

When you activate this Charm, choose one of the following:

  • EARTH: Contest an opponent’s Stealth.
  • WATER: Contest an opponent’s Disguise.

You subtract one success from their roll.

EARTH/WATER AURA – Every 2 threshold successes you have subtracts an additional success from the target’s roll, making it easier for your allies to see through the deception.

Hesiesh’s Discerning Tongue

Cost: 3m; Mins: Awareness 3, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Fire

Prerequisite Charms: None

Impurities burn on your tongue like cinders.

Roll to detect poison in something you just put in your mouth. Most common poisons are difficulty 1-3, and tasteless or odorless poisons are difficulty 4-5. You may immediately spit out the poison as burning embers without being harmed by it.

Feeling the Dragon’s Bones

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Awareness 4, Essence 2

Type: Simple; Duration: Instant

Keywords: Earth

Prerequisite Charms: All-Encompassing Earth Sense

Like everyone’s favorite blind bandit, you stomp the ground and send out waves of vibration. Feeling their return, you construct a black-and-white mental picture of your surroundings.

Roll to detect your surroundings, difficulty 1. Success allows you to construct an accurate mental image of all people and objects within medium range. If you are underground, extend to long range instead.

EARTH AURA – You may commit the 5m to sustain this effect for as long as you remain in Earth Aura. All-Encompassing Earth Sense is free as long as you maintain this commitment.

Pasiap Preempts Haste

Cost: 3m; Mins: Awareness 3, Essence 2

Type: Supplemental (Join Battle); Duration: Instant

Keywords: Earth

Prerequisite Charms: All-Encompassing Earth Sense

As silent as the mountain, you pause, breathing sharply; the perfect moment is just around the corner…

Double 9s. If you win Join Battle, you can delay your first action for free, and add +(Perception) bonus dice to your attack roll if you delay until after at least one enemy acts.