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Merits are special advantages that your character possesses, such as allies, relics, and soldiers. Most Merits don’t offer a distinct mechanical advantage, instead offering narrative potential. The benefit of a powerful ally is not that you can add dice, but rather that you can call in favors, etc.

Social Merits

Social merits define your position in society or your relationships with other people.

Allies [• or •••]

Each purchase of this Merit represents a powerful ally – a close friend or trusted companion with unique and useful capabilities. Your Ally is willing to help you, but has their own agenda that may or may not align with yours.

Define your Ally by giving them a name and a nature. Tell us why they are your ally. Give them two goals: one that aligns with yours, and one that might sometimes oppose it.

•: This Ally is a mortal, a minor spirit, or a young Dragon-Blood.

•••: This Ally is one of the Chosen, at roughly your level.

Backing [•• to ••••]

You have official standing with some group or organization, like a position in the Thousand Scales or a senator’s seat in the Deliberative.

Define your Backing by telling us your rank, organization, and responsibilities.

••: You have a low-level position in this organization, or a position with little effective power.

•••: You have a middling position in this organization, able to throw your weight around but still answering to superiors.

••••: You have an elite position with plenty of power.

Command [•• to •••••]

You are the recognized commander of a military unit. Your soldiers are personally loyal to you – when you draw your land in the sand, they will step forward proudly. If your soldiers are more loyal to their organization, then your command would probably be Backing.

Define your command by giving your unit a name – the Iron Bull Talon, the Crownkiller Dragon, etc. How did it get that name? What does your unit’s standard look like?

••: You have a small elite unit, or a medium-sized average unit.

•••: You have a medium-sized elite unit, or a large average unit.

••••: You have a large elite unit, two large average units, or a medium-sized unit of veterans punching above their weight.

•••••: You have a large unit of veterans, or up to 5 large units of average soldiers.

Contacts [•, •••, or •••••]

You have a network of contacts you can call on to feed you info. They will not deliberately betray you, but they are contacts, not friends or allies; they may be wrong, or they may mislead your for their own ends.

Define your contacts by telling us their area of knowledge and where they operate. Maybe throw in a name or a brief description of some major players.

•: You have a network of contacts within one House, one organization, or confined to a single city.

•••: You have a broad network of contacts throughout a whole House or region; wherever you go within that region, you know someone.

•••••: No matter how far you travel or how obscure the thing you seek, as long as it is in the field you defined, you know someone. You’ve got contacts coming out of your ass there are so many.

Followers [•, ••, or •••]

You have a number of mortal followers who all share an area of expertise or focus. Examples would include traveling entertainers, courtesans, bureaucrats, and so forth. They like you personally

Define your followers by telling us about their area of specialty and their general group culture. Do any in particular stick out to you?

•: You have up to a dozen followers.

••: You have up to 50 or so followers.

•••: You have about a hundred followers.

Influence [• to •••••]

You have standing and pull in society. Most Dragon-Blooded have some degree of this Merit coming from their House and social rank.

Define your Influence by telling us about where it comes from and how you use it. Tell us about one group that aligns to it, and one that opposses it.

•: You are a minor player on a local scale.

••: You have notable pull in your city or province.

•••: You are very important to your city and province; people pay a lot of attention to your whims.

••••: You are a major power within your region, with connections and political sway to get difficult things done immediately.

•••••: Your will is law within your region. You are known, admired, respected, and hated by the political elite who deal with you.

Martial Artist [••••]

Requires Brawl •. You are trained in the secrets of magical martial arts. You can purchase dots of the Martial Arts skill, and you gain 1 dot in any style you choose for free. You are also able to learn the Charms of the styles you study.

Mentor [• to •••]

You have someone more experienced than you who regularly teaches and advises you. This might be a martial arts sifu, a tutor, or something like that.

Define your mentor by giving them a name and an area of specialty. Tell us what their overall goal is, and how it involves you.

•: Your mentor is an expert in a particular field, such as swordplay or poetry. Your mentor has other disciples that study under them and can only devote so much time to you.

••: Your mentor is an expert in several areas of expertise and has influence and respect in their specialty. You have most of their attention.

•••: Your mentor is a true Reniassance woman, a master of many fields. She is universally respected and has chosen you as a special pupil.

Polyglot [• to •••••]

This Merit replaces the Languages Merit wholesale.

You have learned many languages, and with them, the societies they represent. You fit right in while speaking other tongues, and people are excited to speak to you.

0: Your only languages are your native language(s).

•: This dot, and each additional dot of Polyglot, gives you access to new languages. Choose two major cities, significant regions, prefectures, clans, etc.; whever you travel within that zone, you speak the local language conversationally and proficiently. If you encounter a language you are unfamiliar with, but which is related to a language you speak, you get +3 bonus dice to learn it.

••: Once per story, when you invoke the traits or connotations of an accent or language you speak as part of a stunt, you may upgrade that stunt.

•••: When you first meet someone with whom you share a minority language, or first encounter someone who is surprised you speak their language, you treat them as if they had a positive minor Tie toward you for the rest of the scene.

••••: You are a masterful interpreter, switching easily between languages. You can interpret simultaneously, rather than consecutively. Unlike most interpreters, you are able to retain an impression of what you interpret. Your skill at the act allows you to ignore all penalties from social misalignments between the parties you interpret for. As long as you do not deliberately introduce falsehoods, everyone innately regards you as a trustworthy liaison.

•••••: As long as you make an effort to engage a community, people are eager to speak with you and bring you into the fold. You have Contacts among any group with which you share a minority language.

Retainers [•• or ••••]

You have a servant, butler, batman, or aide de camp who is loyal to you personally. Whatever their relationship to you, they are skilled in a specific field and at your beck and call.

Define your retainer by giving them a name and an area of specialty. Describe them. Tell us about your relationship with them and why they serve you.

••: You have a mortal retainer or minor supernatural servant like a god-blood.

••••: You have a supernatural retainer such as a bound demon or a young Dragon-Blooded apprentice.

Resources [• to •••••]

You have wealth, finances, and resources at your disposal. Most Dragon-Blooded have a Resources ••• stipend from their House; only monks are likely to have Resources 0.

Define your Resources by telling us about your family stipend. Why is it at the level that it is? How does it relate to your status in the House?

•: Less than one shekel of jade per year or less than 64 koku in paper money. This is the income of a typical peasant household or the household of a journeyman craftsman.

••: One mina of jade per year, or 128 koku in cash. Around twice the income of Resources •. The income of a master craftsman with several apprentices.

•••: One talent of jade per year, or 8000 koku in cash–more than 50 times the income of Resources ••. You are an economy unto yourself, able to employ many people without stressing your resources. The typical income of a Dynast.

••••: Four to six talents of jade per year, or 16,000 to 50,000 koku in cash. The income of a particularly successful Dynast or a wealthy patrician. An impoverished barbarian kingdom may pull in Resources •••• in tax revenue in a bad year.

•••••: Twelve to twenty talents of jade per year, or 96,000 - 160,000 koku in cash. The income of a truly renowned Dynast, or a typical barbarian king.

Sobriquet [••]

Requires Influence •+. You have a distinct title or epithet that you are known by – such as Tepet Ejava, called the Roseblack. Once per session, you can invoke your sobriquet to get an automatic enhanced stunt.

Define your sobriquet by telling us what it is and how you got it. What is your reputation? How does your House feel about that reputation?

Possession Merits

These Merits represent things that you own or have.

Artifact [•• to •••••]

An Artifact is a magical relic with its own legend. Every Artifact ••• or higher can unlock Evocations, powerful magic tied to the Artifact’s history. The ancestral staff of a famed Cynis politician spreads rumors and malice, or the trident wielded by your once-Peleps father which he used to slay the behemoth Dayôyu the All-Consuming.

Most Artifacts are weapons or armor, reflecting the martial heritage of the Realm.

Define your Artifact by telling us what it is – a sword, a spear, a magic paintbrush, etc. Give us one or two sentences that broadly define its history. I will work with you to figure out its actual magic.

••: A minor wonder: a magic brush that takes notes, an indestructible chest that only opens when exposed to its owners anima, a bird of living crystal that can spy.

•••: The minimum rating for arms and armor. This Artifact is an extension of the wielder’s skill; a javelin that flies long distances and bursts into flames.

••••: This Artifact has unique power that impacts your general playstyle. For example, fans that cause stormclouds or armor that offers limited flight.

•••••: This Artifact redefines any scene that it appears in, with powerful magic that fundamentally changes the whole scene. A sword with a bound demon that unleashes hurricanes, or a hammer that summons whole volcanoes.

Demesne [••]

You own a demesne, a Place of Power. A demesne arises when the elemental and spiritual forces of the world imbue the world with Essence: a deep forest where huge predators grow; a submerged garden of lantern-fish and coral palaces. The deed – and responsibility – for this property are yours.

Define your demense by giving it a name: the Valley of Weeping Mehirs, the Tigerwood Forest, etc. What element does it align to: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, or Wood? What is the miraculous strangeness inside it?

Familiar [•, ••, or •••]

You have a beast companion with whom you have formed a deep bond. You can understand its vocalizations, and it understands and obeys your commands.

Describe your familiar by giving it a name and a species. Give it one specialty that it excels in: a hunting hawk, a scouting hound, a riding lion, etc.

•: This Familiar is a trained mundane animal – a hawk, dog, cat, etc.

••: This Familiar is a formidable and useful beast – a tiger, simhata, bear, claw strider, etc.

•••: This Familiar is truly exceptional and supernatural – a pet triceratops, a four-winged cock which breathes fire, a god-blooded horse sired by a nomad god, etc.

Hearthstone [••]

You own a hearthstone, a jewel of concentrated elemental power which bestows a special gift. If you slot this stone into a receptacle – a necklace, a crown, a socket on a sword – you can unlock its power.

Define your Hearthstone by telling us about the manse or demesne that produced it, and give us an element. How did you come to possess it?

Manse [•••]

You own a manse, a magnificent magical fortress or palace built atop a Place of Power to harness its energy.

Define your Manse by giving it a name and an element. Tell us about the history of this building – it is probably an inheritance from your family. What purpose was it built for?

(This Merit grants you the benefit of both Demesne and Hearthstone for a slight discount.)

Physical and Mental Merits

These Merits represent aspects of your physical and mental excellence. Most of these merits grant you 1 bonus die when they apply, and some permanent passive.

You can define new physical or mental merits if you don’t find one to your liking. If it is very broadly applicable, it is worth ••; if it is narrowly useful, it is •. If a Merit is mostly useful in combat, it is worth •••.


Boundless Endurance [•]: You are a wellspring of vitality and no weariness can touch you. You can go days without sleep and never fall asleep on watch. Whenever this Merit is relevant, you gain 1 bonus die.

Danger Sense [••]: Your subconscious is always on the lookout for you. You have a spider-sense that sometimes warns you of danger before it fully manifests. Whenever this Merit is relevant, you gain 1 bonus die.

Direction Sense [•]: You have an instinctive ability to tell the cardinal directions, even if you have no other reference points. You always know which way you are facing, accurate to 8 points (N, NE, E, SE, S, …). Whenever this Merit is relevant, you gain 1 bonus die.

Fast Reflexes [•••]: You have lightning reflexes. You gain 1 bonus die on Join Battle.

Fleet of Foot [•••]: You are swift and nimble. You glide through the world like a breeze. You are quick enough to run down most mortals and animals, except those renowned for their speed. Whenever this Merit is relevant (including in rush, disengage, and withdraw actions), you gain 1 bonus die.

Giant [•••]: You are startlingly huge, measuring 6’6’’ to 10’ tall, and proportionally broad. Whenever this Merit is relevant, including in using your huge size to Intimidate or for greater reach in combat, you get 1 bonus die.

Iron Stomach [•]: You can digest almost anything edible, and some things that… might not be? You can always find food for yourself, if there is any food to be found. Whenever this Merit is relevant, you gain 1 bonus die.

Natural Immunity [••]: You are blessed with good health. You are resistant to disease and heal quickly. Whenever this Merit is relevant, you gain 1 bonus die.

Powerful Grasp [••] (Requires Giant): You are so huge and strong that you can wield two-handed weapons as one-handed weapons. You ignore the Two-Handed tag.

Quick Draw [••••]: You have the lightning draw of a deadly duelist. Whenever you flurry the draw/ready weapon action, the flurry penalty is reduced to -1 instead of -3.

Savant [•]: You are a mathematical wunderkind. You can do mental math almost instantly, even the complicated math that stymies merchants and scholars. Whenever this Merit is relevant – such as in a negotiation or when examining an organization’s ledgers – you gain 1 bonus die.

Selective Conception [•]: You have full control over your own fertility. You will never be involved in the conception of a child except when you desire. If you are the mother, you can spend 1wp to guarantee conception. Although this Merit may be silly, it can be surprisingly useful for a Dragon-Blooded scion, who faces a huge cultural expectation with regards to children.

Strong Lungs [•]: You can hold your breath for much longer than a normal human, generally about up to 10 minutes of easy action. Whenever this Merit is relevant, you gain 1 bonus die.
