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Ten Thousand Dragons Rule the World

The Dragon-Blooded are the divine Princes of the Earth, heroes of legend who distill the might of the Elemental Dragons in their blood. They rule the Realm, the mighty empire at the world’s heart that wraps around Creation like a hungry snake. With the power of the world’s greatest empire at their back, the Dragon-Blooded stand astride Creation like a colossus.

Welcome home…

Welcome to Venture, a website I created and maintain for my Exalted 3rd edition Dragon-Blooded campaign. This website is a compilation of my own lore write-ups, expending on the information available in The Realm and in the Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought rulebook. I have also integrated LOTS of mechanical reworks and homebrew in the “Systems” section. If you notice that things differ from the books, it’s largely down to that.

Please bear in mind that the website, especially section #1 “The Realm,” is deliberately not written in an impartial voice. My goal is to convey the Realm to my players as they, as characters raised within the society, understand it. These write-ups are biased and deliberately include imperial perspectives to reflect the privileged upbringing of the Dynasty. Callous references to human bondage, the natural right-to-rule of imperialist authority, and other detestable perspectives, are meant to reflect the Realm’s mode of thinking and are not endorsements of imperialism.
